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病 理 生 理 学 Pathophysiology * * 第一章 绪论 Introduction ●课程的教学安排 ●病理生理学课程内容归类? ● 什么是病理生理学? Pathophysiology may be defined as the physiology of disease, of disordered function, or derangement of function seen in disease that is produced by the action of an etiologic agents on susceptible tissues or organs. Pathophysiology includes also the study of the mechanisms underlying disease. What is pathophysiology? 病理生理学是一门侧重从功能和代谢角度,研究疾病发生、发展、转归的规律和机制的学科。 疾病 功能和代谢 Why do we study pathophysiology? bridge subject basic sciences clinical medicine pathophysiology Pathophysiology is an important subject bridging Basic sciences and clinical medicine. ■Position 病理生理学教学内容的归类 Main Teaching Content ●Pathophysiology of various systems ●Concepts of disease ●Basic pathological process ■病理生理学各论 (Pathophysiology of various systems) 体内几个主要系统的某些疾病在发生、发展 过程中一些常见的、共同的病理生理学变化。 ■总论(Concepts of disease) 掌握疾病的概念,以及疾病发生、发展过程中的普遍规律。 (The general concept of diseases and general etiology and pathogenesis of diaeases.) ■基本病理过程(Basic pathological process) 不同器官系统的许多疾病中出现的共同的、成套的病理过程。 (The refer to a process in which some common, regular alterations of function, metabolism and structure take place in many difference diseases. e.g.) 李稻 赵倩、夏立、 黄莺、贺明 How to learn Pathophysiology? ●主动学习(Learn actively) ●勤奋学习(Learn staidly) 基本概念、基本机制、基本病理变化过程的记忆。 ●温故知新(Review the past courses) 第二章 疾病概论 (DISEASE) ?Concepts of Health and Disease ?Etiology of Disease ?Pathogenesis of Disease ?Outcome of Disease 健康与疾病的概念 (Concepts of Health and Disease) The World Health Organization affirms that health is “more than the absence of disease,” but rather a state of “complete physical, mental, and social well-being,” This definition sets a lofty goal for patients seeking health as well as for health care professionals. 健康不仅仅是没有疾病或病痛(infirmity),而且是一种身体 上、心理上和社会上的完好状态。 【健康要素】 ▲强健的体魄 ▲健全的心理精神状态 ▲较强的社会适应能力 ■健康(Health) 过劳死 出现未老先衰、猝然死亡。 ■亚健康(Sub-hea


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