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* * * N5-067 Dem Con Template * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * One queston; to what extend? Different estimates, most recent one… 30% Recent study quantified how many cases of AD are due to the 7 main modifiable risk factor. Often interrelated, are no independed. Taking into account that these factors co-occurr about one third of AD cases wordwide is attributable to these risk factors, thus it is potentially prevenetable (9.9 million of the estimated 33.9 million wordwide in 2010). Worldwide, a 10% reduction per decade in each of the risk factors would result in an 8.3% (8.8 million) reduction in expected Alzheimer’s disease, and a 20% reduction per decade would lead to a reduction of 15.3% (16.2 million) in prevalence by 2050. * * * 仅4个药物进入4期临床 * * * Note that the clinical development several of the compounds have been discontinued * * Gantenerumab,?an antibody made by Roche?that?binds to?all forms of aggregated amyloid beta?and?helps?remove?them?from the brain. Gantenerumab is currently in international phase?II?and?III trials?known as?SCarlet?RoAD?,?started in 2010, ?that will test the drug’s ability to stop Alzheimer’s prior to dementia. *Solanezumab,?a?monoclonal?antibody?in phase III clinical trials.?Discovered and developed by Eli Lilly and Company,?it?binds to soluble?forms of?amyloid?beta after they are?produced, allowing?amyloid beta?to be cleared before it clumps together to form plaques. * Crenezumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody against human 1-40 and 1-42 Beta amyloid, which is being investigated as a treatment of Alzheimers disease. Crenezumab was developed by the Swiss-based biopharmaceutical company AC Immune, which licensed the drug in 2006 to Genentech, Inc. * * 大纲 什么是阿尔茨海默病? 诊断方面有哪些新进展? 治疗方面有哪些新进展? 未来趋势是什么? 治疗策略 预防 对症治疗 疾病修饰(disease-modifying)治疗 ICAD 2009 * 酒精滥用 神经元损伤 脑储备 APOE, 其他基因 痴呆 身体活动 危险因素 ? 0 20 60 75 成年期 中年期 老年期 不健康饮食 转变 认知和社会活动 教育 保护因素 吸烟 高血压 血脂异常 肥胖 血管损伤 糖尿病 Mangialasche, Kivipelto et al., 2012 什么是阿尔茨海默病?危险和保护因素 可调节的危险因素 (B


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