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A Study of the Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction on the Third-Grader in Learning Conception of Area Hsu-Ming Hsieh1, and Po-Ya Wu2 1 Jia-Nan Elementary School, Tainan, Taiwan 2 Department of Applied Mathematics, National University of Tainan, Taiwan Abstract ─ The study is aimed to understand the effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction [CAI] on the third-grader in learning conception of Area. The method of nonequivalent-group designed in quasi-experimental study is applied. Two third grade classes for a total of 60 students are the samples. In order to investigate the students’ learning effects, the post-test and the delayed post-test of the learning achievement of Area are the main data, followed by the individual interviews of sampling as the supporting information. In order to understand the variance of students’ mathematics attitude, the students in the experimental group were tested before and after the teaching experiment by mathematics attitude scale. The researcher analyzed the data and then obtained the following conclusions: 1. The CAI is proved to be effective in helping the third-grader to learn the concept of Area by emphasizing the initial concept, Area comparing, and the measurement experience by Area covering. 2. The performance of the experimental group is significantly better than the control one in both the post-test and the delayed post-test. 3. In the experimental group, the post-test of mathematics attitude scale is significantly better than the delayed post-test. Index Terms ─ Conception of Area, Computer-Assisted Instruction, Learning Effects, mathematics attitude. 電腦輔助教學對國小三年級學童面積概念學習成效之研究 謝旭明* 臺南市立嘉南國民小學 吳博雅 國立臺南大學應用數學系 摘要 本研究主要目的在探討電腦輔助教學對國小三年級學童面積概念的學習成效。採準實驗研究法,抽樣國小三年級兩班共六十位學童以進行兩週內六節課的教學實驗。其中一班為實驗組,實施電腦輔助教學;另一班為對照組,實施一般教學。以面積學習成就測驗的後測、延後測量化資料為主,樣本個別訪談的質性資料為輔,來瞭解學童的學習成效;以數學態度量表的前測、後測來瞭解學童數學態度的改變情形。 分析研究資料後,發現以下的結果: 一、本研究之電腦輔助教學強調面積初步概念,且提供面積比較、面積覆蓋測量的經驗,有助於國小三年級學童學習面積概念。 二、實驗組的面積學習成就測驗試題之後測及延後測均顯著高於對照組。 三、實驗組數學態度量表的後測顯著高於前測。 關


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