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Character evolution of the powdery mildew fungi (Ascomycota: Erysiphales) inferred from molecular phylogenetic analyses (Susumu Takamatsu) 黑點根腐病菌子囊孢子在田間土壤中的族群變化(蘇俊峰,林益昇) 醣類資訊學利用模式預測醣類結構與功能之關係 (羅千婷.瞿港華.趙蓮菊.王伯徹.張正) 海洋真菌之分類和種系發展史 (彭家禮) 膽固醇抑制劑monacolin K基因於紅麴菌中之特徵分析 (陳煜沛、曾慶平、廖麗玲、王俊霖、陳怡靜、吳文蓉、吳明德、袁國芳) Character evolution of the powdery mildew fungi (Ascomycota: Erysiphales) inferred from molecular phylogenetic analyses Susumu Takamatsu Graduate School of Bioresources, Mie University, Tsu 514-8507, Japan Powdery mildew fungi (Erysiphales), which consist of 16 genera and about 650 species, are obligate holobiotrophs of plants. The Erysiphales forms a distinct monophyletic clade within the Leotiomycetes. This indicates that the holobiotrophy, as well as morphological characters unique to this fungal group, was acquired only once in the ancestor of the Erysiphales. They infect up to ten thousand angiosperm species, and do not infect gymnosperms and ferns. Molecular clock analyses using ssu and lsu rDNA regions revealed that the origin of the Erysiphales can be traced back to the late Cretaceous, after the origin of the angiosperms. Aceraceae, Fagaceae, Ulmaceae, and Salicaceae may be the early host families of the Erysiphales. It is noteworthy that most species of these plant families consist of deciduous trees, which indicates that the early host plants of the Erysiphales were deciduous trees. These data suggest that Erysiphales expanded their host ranges onto herbs numerous times during the Tertiary. Hirata (1976) pointed out that the Erysiphales are divided into two distinct groups of genera based on their host ranges, i.e., tree-parasitic genera and herb-parasitic genera. All of the herb-parasitic genera have mycelioid appendages on ascomata, whereas deciduous tree-parasitic genera represent various types of appendages such as dichotomously branched, uncinate to circinate, clavate, or bristle-like. The ascomata are considered an organ that endures the winter season in


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