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构词法 Ⅰ. 利用派生法,品句填词 1. When he got to the classroom____ , the class had already begun. He held his ____ and wanted to toed in, but he failed and was noticed by the teacher. (breath) 2. There was an ____ in the stomach of the soldier who got badly ____.(injure) 3. The ____ old man pointed to his injured leg, asking why his son was so cruel to him when he had been taking to raise him for so many years.(pain) 4. ____ is a feeling that happens when someone cares too much about the results of something ____. (anxious) 答案:1. breathlessly; breath 2. injury; injured 3. painful; pains 4. Anxiety; anxiously Ⅱ. 串联扩展 * 核心单词 1. anxious adj. 焦虑的;渴望的;不安的 常用结构: be anxious about sth.为……担忧 be anxious to do / for sth. 渴望做某事/ 得到某物 I was anxious about the children when they didnt come back home from school. 孩子们放学后没有回家,我非常担心。 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits 2. crazy adj. 疯狂的;狂热的,着迷的 常用结构: be crazy about对……着迷;热爱 drive sb. crazy 使某人发疯 go crazy 发疯,变疯 Young girls and boys have grown crazy about rock music. 孩子们对摇滚乐近于疯狂。 She went crazy with fear.她因害怕而变得疯狂。 【派生】craze n. 狂热 3. describe vt. (用语言,文字)描绘,描述 As for the bad film, it is really beyond description. 至于那部糟糕的电影,真的难以描述。 Can you give me a description of the thief? 你能为我描述一下那个贼的模样吗? 联想拓展 description n. 描写,形容 descriptive adj. 叙述性的;描写的 4. fit adj. 合适的,恰当的;健康的;能胜任的 vt.vi.适合;符合;安装;使合身,使适合;使胜任 n. 合适物 He is not fit for the job. 他不适合这个工作。 This key doesn’t fit the lock. 这把钥匙和锁不相配。 The water isnt fit to drink. 这水不宜饮用。 The coat is a perfect fit for her.这件大衣她穿特别合适。 常用结构: be fit (for sb.) to do ...适合……做某事 keep fit保持健康 fit in with和……相处得融洽;适合…… 5. head vt.vi.(朝着……方向)前进;作为……的首脑;在……前头;用头顶球 n. 前部,头;头脑;首脑;首长 常用结构: head for/towards 朝……方向去 Having sailed for some time, the ship turned west and headed for an island. 航行一段时间后,船向西转,驶向了一座小岛。 He had had a good head of drawing by the age of 11. 他十一岁时就有了绘画的才能。 Don’t lose your head. 别惊慌失措。 6. pain n. 疼痛,痛,痛苦;辛苦,努力(用复数) vt. 使痛苦 vi. 感到疼痛 常用结构: have pains/pain/a pain in ...……部位疼 be in pain在痛


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