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资料目前只整理出这么多,想要更多最新其他学科的真题或者资料的,请发邮件至thebestutors@,邮件标题请注明什么学科,谢谢合作。 1. General Physics 普通物理 1.1 Length and timese and describe the use of rules and measuring cylinders to determine a length or a volume. 使用并且描述如何用尺子和量筒测量长度和体积。 2. Use and describe the use of clocks and devices for measuring an interval of time. 使用并且描述如何用钟表和一些仪器测量时间间隔。 3. Use and describe the use of a mechanical method for the measurement of a small distance. 使用并描述利用机械的方法测量短距离。 4. Measure and describe how to measure a short interval of time (including the period of a pendulum). 测量和描述怎样测量一个短时间间隔(包括单摆的周期)。 1.2 Speed, velocity and acceleration 速率,速度,加速度 1. Define speed and calculate speed from total distance/total time. 定义速率和计算 :速率=总路程/总时间 2. Plot and interpret a speed/time graph or a distance/time graph. 画和解释 速率/时间 图像或者 路程/时间 图像 3. Recognize from the shape of a speed/time graph when a body is (a) at rest, (b) moving with constant speed, or (c) moving with changing speed. 从 速率/时间 图像中辨认出:(a) 静止,(b) 匀速运动和 (c) 变速运动。 4. Calculate the area under a speed/time graph to determine the distance traveled for motion with constant acceleration. 计算 速率/时间 图像中的面积得出匀加速运动的路程。 5. Demonstrate some understanding that acceleration is related to changing speed. 解释加速度和速度的改变量之间的联系。 6. State that the acceleration of free fall for a body near to the Earth is constant. 说明地球表面附近的物体自由降落的加速度是衡定的。 7. Distinguish between speed and velocity. 区分速率和速度。 8. Recognize linear motion for which the acceleration is constant and calculate the acceleration. 认识匀加速的运动并且计算加速度。 9. Recognize motion for which the acceleration is not constant. 认识非匀加速运动。 10. Describe qualitatively the motion of bodies falling in a uniform gravitational field with and without air resistance (including reference to terminal velocity). 定性的描述计和不计空气阻力物体在均匀重力场中下落的运动(包括设计到末速度。 1.3 Mass and weight 质量和重量 1. Show familiarity with the idea of the mass of a body. 熟练掌握一个物体的质量的概念。 2. State that weight is a force. 陈述重量是一种力。 3. Demonstrate understanding that weights (and hence masses) may


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