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课堂设计指导思想: 这一板块的设计是对学生进行听说读写技能的训练,而听说读写的内容都围绕本单元主题“广告”展开。本板块包括的一系列活动为学生提供了锻炼听说读写能力的机会。本堂课的重点是培养学生在听的过程中获取和处理信息的能力,培养听的策略,培养语感以及口语表达的准确性,得体性和连贯性。 Teaching aims: 1. Get to learn and practice the skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing. 2. Learn how to listen for statistics and descriptions 3. Try to apply the skills learnt in this section to complete a bar chart. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in (Brainstorming) Ask students to brainstorm how to get information before writing an ad. 【设计说明】这一问题的提出既可复习本单元阅读课的内容,又将本堂课的听力训练重点与本单元主题结合起来,自然流畅导入本课。 Step 2 Skills building 1 Help students to listen for statistics and descriptions and review how to read these statistics: 【设计说明】 帮助学生复习分数,小数和百分数的表达方式,并提醒学生注意分数,小数和百分数,特别是小数点后数字的正确读法。 Step 3 Notice[来源:学科网ZXXK] Ask students to listen carefully and pay attention to words and phrases that describe an increase, a decrease, no change, a range and a limit 【设计说明】引起学生对这些表达方式的重视,为学生顺利完成后续听力任务扫除障碍,有利于切实提高学生听的能力。 Step 4 Listening practice[来源:学科网] Have students listen to the recording twice and do the exercise on P12 and ask them to note that they have to do some simple calculations. Then, check answers as a class. Listen to the recording for a third time if necessary and make sure students did the correct calculations. 【设计说明】这一练习可训练和检测学生辨识和听写包括分数,小数和百分数的数字的能力,其中简单的计算也可训练学生的听力理解能力。 Step 5 Completing a bar chart[来源:学科网ZXXK][来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+K] Ask students to use the information in the table to complete part of the bar chart in Part A on P13. Then check answers as a class. Have students listen to the recording and complete the rest of the bar chart and check answers. 【设计说明】本环节的设计用于进一步发展学生听的能力。让学生在的情景中,并参考表格完成听力任务,旨在激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生整合信息的能力。 Step 6 Discussion about the memo Ask students to read the note in Part B at P13 and ask them to work in pairs to decide the subject of the note. Check the answers as a class and all reasonable answers can be accepted. 【设计说明】这一练习形式可培养学生合作学习的能力;提高学生概括,提炼信息的能力和综合运用能力。 Step 7 Homework Let stud


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