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第 26卷第 4 期 机   电  工   程 Vol. 26 No. 4 2009年 4 月 M echan ical E lectrical Engineering M agazine Ap r. 2009 基于 D uff ing振子的噪声背景下微弱周期信号检测 叶亦能 ,王林泽 (杭州电子科技大学 计算机学院 ,浙江 杭州 3 100 18) 摘  要 :为有效地实现噪声背景下弱信号的提取 , 阐述了间歇混沌模型 Duffing振子的混沌特性 。利用 Duffing振子对微弱信号具有敏感性 、对噪声与频率差较大的周期干扰信号具有免疫力的特性 ,研究了 基于 Duffing振子在噪声条件下检测微弱周期信号 、复合频率信号和未知频率信号的方法 ,用数值仿真 验证了该方法的可行性 。研究结果表明 ,基于 Duffing振子的信号检测方法对极微弱周期信号检测有其 独到的优势 ,其频率误差率在控制范围之内。 关键词 :混沌 ; Duffing方程 ;大尺度周期状态 中图分类号 : TN 9 11. 23    文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 1001 - 4551 (2009) 04 - 0097 - 04 W eak per iod ic signa l detection under the background of the no ise ba sed on D uff ing o sc illa tor YE Yineng, WAN G L inze (S chool of Comp u ter, H angzhou D ianz i Un ivers ity, H angzhou 310018, Ch ina) A b stract: The chao s characteristic of the interm itten t Duffing o scillator model was analyzed, for extracting weak signals in no ise effectively. Duffing o scillator is sen sitive to weak signal and imm une again st the no ise and the p eriodic interference signal having larger frequency difference. A ccording to th is characteristic, the m ethod of detecting the weak p eriodical signals, comp lexfre quency signals, and unknown frequency signals in noise was studied ba sed on characteristic of the Duffing o scillator. A nd the fea sib ility of the m ethod was analyzed by the num erical sim u lation. R e su lts show that the Duffing o scillator has the obviou s advantage for detecting weak p eriodical signals, and the error rate of frequency is in the range of controlling. Key words: chao s; Duffing e


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