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ISSUE 6 DEC. 2013 / JOURNAL OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS IN WEST CHINA / 108 明长城蓟镇建置时间考辨 The Textual Research on the Founded Time of Ji-Town the Great Wall of Ming Dynasty 王琳峰 郭宇力 WANG Linfeng, GUO Yuli 摘 要 长城“九边”各镇的设立时间 Abstract: The founding time of the Nine frontiers of the Great Wall was 问题至今没有定论,厘清此问题是明长 inconclusive so far. This issue is an important basement for the further research of 城及其军事防御性聚落研究的重要基 the Ming Great Wall and the military fortress along the Great Wall. People nowadays 础。今人关于蓟镇的建置时间也存在三 have three versions on the founded time of Ji-town, namely in Yongle Period, 种说法,即永乐年间说、宣德年间说、嘉 Xuande Period, and Jiajing Period. The records are different in the history books and 靖年间说。不同时期的史书和文献记载诸 literature recordation, even on the founding sign of Nine-frontiers. The historical 说不一,甚至关于九边各镇“建镇标志” information about the founded time of Ji-town mainly recorded in the history books 的问题仍存在争议。有关蓟镇建置的历 and relative inscriptions, such as Ming Shi Lu, Huangming Jiubian Kao,Si-zhen San- 史信息主要载于《明实录》、《皇明九边 guan Zhi, Jiubian Tushuo, Lulong Sailue. This paper makes the texture research on 考》、《四镇三关志》、《九边图说》、《卢 the above issues by comparative analysis. 龙塞略》等历史文献和相关碑文中,本文 Keywords: The Great Wall of Ming Dynasty; Nine Frontiers; Ji-Town; Founding time 通过史料对比分析针对上述历史存疑加 以考辨。 关键词 明长城;九边;蓟镇;建置 1  明代“九边”建镇标准之争 明代“九边”格局与长城防御体系的建立经历了一个漫长的发展历程,并与明 朝统治者的防御思想和当时边境的形势密切相关。 关于九边各镇的设立时间至今没有定论,不同时期的史书和文献记载诸说不 一,甚至关于九边各镇“建镇标志”的问题仍存在争议。明人关于军镇建置标志的判 断标准主要可归纳为三种[1] : (1)以大将经略、重兵屯戍为标志; 中图分类号 TU098


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