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DOI :10.13193/j.archtcm.2007.02.17.zhangky.006 第 25 卷 第 2期 ol. 25 No. 2 2 0 0 7年 2月 CH INESE ARCH IVES OF TRAD IT OI NAL CH INESE M ED CI INE Feb. 2 0 0 7 ) ) ) 张会永 (, 110032) :李玉奇教授,为我国首批名老中医之一, 工精中医内妇儿, 尤其 长脾胃病, 精研脾胃病 30余载, 在国内首先提出/ 萎缩性胃炎以痈论治0学说本文对李玉奇教授脾胃病临床经验作了全面总结, 并系统分析了 / 萎缩性胃炎以痈论治0学说之端倪 :李玉奇;脾胃病; 胃脘痈;脾胃论; 萎缩性胃炎;学术经验 : R249 : A : 1673 -7717( 2007) 02 -0208- 05 Deve ol pment from the Applci toi n ofTrea tise on the Sp leen and S tomach to the Doctrni e of T re tni g the Chronci A trophci G stritisw ith the Ther py Curing C rbuncel ) ) ) M aster LI. s ClinicalExperienceswith Spleen and Stomach Diseases ZHANG Hui-yong ( LiaoningUniversity of TCM, Shenyang 110032, Liaoning, China) A b stract: M y tutor, professor LI Yu-qi, one of the national preem inentphysicians ofTCM, is awarded by the gov- ernment. My tutor obtained his honor the first time the authority began to confer. Professor Li doeswell in internalmedi- cine gynaecology and paediatrics ofTCM, especially in curing the diseases of spleen and stomach. He deeply and com- prehensively studied the symptoms of the spleen and stomach formore than 30 years. Early in the 1960s, hewas the first scholar who introduced the doctrine of treating the chronic atrophic gastritisw ith the therapy curing carbuncle. In this ar- ticle, I comprehensively summarize the clinicalexperiencesofmy tutor during hispersonalpractice, and also explain the derivation of his doctrine treating the chronic at


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