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CASTING DEFECTS 铸件缺陷 Casting defects may deter form the visual quality of the components causing rejections, More serious types of defect are those which increase local stresses or reduce the effective cross sectional area of the casting and thereby lower the mechanical properties. Internal defects of various types will cause reductions in fatigue properties and shock reistance. 铸件缺陷可能会阻止零组件的视觉质量并造成报废。较严重 的缺陷类型是指那些使局部应力增加或使铸件有效横断面面积减 少的缺陷,从而降低了机械性能。各种类型的内部缺陷将会导致 疲劳性能和抗冲击性能的下降。 Accurate identifions of defect type is necessary for rectification to be made to either the process or the input material quality. 在对工艺抑或输入材料的质量进行纠正的过程中,需要准确 地指明这些缺陷的类型。 DROSS AND INCLUSIONS 浮渣(熔渣)及杂质 Aluminium oxide or dross is formed at the molten metal/air interface. Dross may be removed by skimming the molten metal surface prior to dipping, tapping or decanting the metal. A flux may be used to recover molten metal form the dross, chlorin injection will reduce suspended non-metallic par-ticles. 氧化铝或浮渣(熔渣)形成于熔融金属/ 空中接口。可在对金属 进行浸渍、出钢或倾析之前,采用撇除熔融金属/表面的方式,将 浮渣(熔渣)移除。 可能会采用溶剂来从浮渣(熔渣) 中回收熔融金属 ,注入氯气将会降低悬浮的非金属颗粒。 Limiting the molten metal surface exposed to the air will reduce dross formation. To reduce dross inclusions in castings, a turbulence free metal flow is required. Molten metal may be filtered to remove particles. 对暴露于空气中的熔融金属表面进行限制,将减少浮渣(熔渣) 的形成。为了减少铸件中的夹渣,需要采取无湍流金属流动。可 1 能会对熔融金属进行过滤以清除颗粒。 BLOWHOLES 气泡 Blowholes are that appear on the surface of a casting and are caused by not drying out the mould material or mould release agents sufficiently, prior to casting. 气泡是指出现在铸件表面的孔穴,它们是由于在铸造开始之 前,没有对浇注材料或脱模剂进行干燥所致的。 The presence of organic material in sand moulds may cause a local gas or steam generation when contacted by hot m


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