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Tofu machine operation instruction 豆制品具有广阔的市场 从大豆中提取蛋白质制成豆制品的技术,起源于我国的汉代,是我国饮食文化遗址的一部分。近十年来,许多西方国家把大豆制品视为最理想的膳食品种,因为它既有较高的营养价值,又不含动物性食物中胆固醇,而且生产成本低,国外营养学家称豆腐为:“中国的干酪”。人们语言,未来十年最成功又有市场潜力的商品当推中国豆腐,这种:白色来的浪潮“将席卷全球。以豆腐为代表的豆制品因其价廉物美、营养丰富,早已是我国居民一年四季必不可少的家常菜,人人爱吃,老少皆宜,你所在的城市有多少市民,就有多大的市场,你所在的超市、菜场集市有多少人上门买菜就有多大的豆腐销量。豆制品是刽过时的食品,嘁市场永远不会饱和。 A, bean products, has a broad market Extracted from soy protein made from soy products technology, originated in the han dynasty in China, is part of the diet culture sites in China. Nearly ten years, many western countries take soy products as the ideal diet variety, because it has both high nutritional value, and does not contain cholesterol in animal food, and the production cost is low, foreign nutritionist called tofu: Chinese cheese. People language, over the next 10 years and the most successful products with market potential when push Chinese tofu, the: the wave of white to spread over the world. Represented by tofu, soy products due to its superior quality and competitive price, the nutrition is rich, have already is an essential part of our country residents throughout the home cooking, people love to eat, for young and old, your city how many citizens, how big is the market, how many people are there in your supermarket, market by market to buy food just how much tofu sales. Bean products is the executioner outdated food, hoe-scr-r-ritch market is never saturated. 二、当前落后、不符合社会卫生要求的加工现状: 随着社会的发展,生活水平的提高,健康、自然、无污染已成为现代美食新观念。然而由于豆制品加工工艺的特殊性级其他原因,豆制品加工中的卫生问题一直困扰着各级政府部门。你稍微留意一下就能在当地的报纸、电视台看到曝光这方面问题的社会新闻:“今天捣毁一个在猪圈旁生产豆腐的土作坊,明天查处一个用河水加工豆腐的地下黑工厂”,为什么屡禁不止呢?因为做出豆腐又销路,做豆腐有钱赚,所以就会有人昧着良心去干。被媒体曝光,被工商部门取缔的仅仅是极少数,况且今天被你取缔,明天挪个地方照样生产,受害的还是广大消费者。 从大城市到小城镇,所有的菜场、副食店都有卖豆腐的,别以为这些豆鼓白花花挺干净的,谁知道它的加工厂所是一个怎样的环境,用水是否清洁、卫生,操作工人有没有健康证。。。所以说到目前为止,我国市民还很难吃到真正的放心豆腐 Second, the current backward status, do not conform to the requirements of the social health of processing: With the development of the society, the improvement of living standards, healthy, natura



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