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妇产科试题及答案 The pregnant woman is susceptible and susceptible to severe illness A. hepatitis A virus Hepatitis B virus Hepatitis C virus Hepatitis c virus Hepatitis E virus Answer: E ? It is not the case that the disease is isolated A. hepatitis A virus Hepatitis B virus Hepatitis C virus Hepatitis c virus Hepatitis E virus Answer: D ? The most common hepatitis during pregnancy is A. hav B. hepatitis B C. hepatitis C D. butyl hepatitis E. hepatitis Answer: B ? There is a large amount of HBV in the blood and is highly infectious A.H BsAg (+) B.H BsAb (+) C. BeAg (+) D.h. BeAb (+) E.H BcAb (+) Answer: C ? In blood, HBV decreases and is less infectious A.H BsAg (+) B.H BsAb (+) C. BeAg (+) D.h. BeAb (+) E.H BcAb (+) Infection with HBV has resulted in automatic immunization A.H BsAg (+) B.H BsAb (+) C. BeAg (+) D.h. BeAb (+) E.H. BcAb (+) is self-taught at Answer: B ? In the early stages of pregnancy, the best treatment is to incorporate severe viral hepatitis A. positive treatment of hepatitis B. immediately make an abortion C. positive treatment of hepatitis and abortion after improvement D. after the improvement of hepatitis, continue the pregnancy None of the above Answer: C ? B: the bright liver of the strong echo A. pregnancy merges viral hepatitis B. the acute fatty liver of pregnancy C. during pregnancy, intrahepatic bile deposition D E. the liver damage caused by high levels of hypertension Answer: B ? The treatment of acute viral hepatitis by the late pregnancy should be treated with emphasis and positive treatment, mainly A. it is easy to combine high level and eclampsia It is easy to develop for severe hepatitis, leading to higher maternal mortality C. it is easy to develop sugar metabolism and affect fetal development It is easy to be born prematurely, and the fetus will not survive It is easy to have contractions and prolonged labor Answer: B ? The impact of gestational diabetes on fetuses and newborns is not correct A. the incidence of large children increa


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