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妇人腹痛 The treatment plan for pelvic inflammatory disease (2013) A, diagnosis, (1) diagnosis of disease Diagnostic criteria of traditional Chinese medicine: The disease clinical symptoms include abdominal pain, lumbar di ministry pain acid bilges, often in overworked, sex, period, can be associated with menstruation to be not moved, leucorrhoea grow in quantity, low grade fever, fatigue, or infertility. According to the symptoms of chronic inflammation in the pelvic cavity, a routine examination of vaginal secretions can be diagnosed by combining B hyperexamination, blood routine, blood and blood. Diagnostic criteria for western medicine: (1) symptoms: abdominal pain, lumbar di ministry pain acid bilges, often in overworked, sex, period, can be associated with menstruation to be not moved, leucorrhoea grow in quantity, low grade fever, fatigue, or infertility. (2) physical signs: the uterus is often in the posterior position, and the activity is limited or adhered to. If it is a fallopian tube, it can be found on either side of the uterus or on either side of the uterus. If the cystic cyst of the fallopian tube or fallopian tube, the cystic tumor on either side of the pelvic cavity or side of the pelvis, the activity is limited, but the pain can be painful. If it is the pelvic cavity connective tissue inflammation, the uterine side or both sides have the laminar thickening, the tenderness, or the uterus sacral ligament thickens, becomes hard, the pain. These signs must have at least two of the following: restricted uterine activity (adhesion) or tenderness; One side area is sore. (3) laboratory examination Ultrasound examination of gynecology: can detect and annex inflammatory package block, fallopian tube accumulate fluid or thickened, or the rectum pitting fluid. Blood routine and blood test: the total number of white blood cells increases, or the neutrophils increase, or the blood sinks faster. Vaginal secretions are checked: there is an abnormality in the vagina.


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