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32 5 () Vol.32 No.5
2004 10 Jou nal of Fuzhou Unive sity (Natu al Science) Oct.2004
(, 350002)
:, :CECS 28:90 (1992), DL T
5085-1999 (1999), GJB4142-2000(2001)DBJ13-51-2003 (2003).
:TU398.9 :A
Comparison of design codes for concrete-filled steel tubular structures
YANG You-fu
(College of Civil Enginee ing and A chitectu e, Fuzhou Unive sity, Fuzhou, Fujian 350002, China)
Abstract:The design codes, o ecommendations, fo conc ete-filled steel tubula st uctu es, which
a e published in China, including CECS 28:90 (1992 ), DL T 5085-1999 (1999), GJB4142-2000
(2001)and DBJ13-51-2003 (2003)a e compa ed in some items.The axial load-moment inte ac-
tion cu ves a e plotted on the beam-columns by nume ical calculations based on those codes, the bea -
ing capacities given by the inte action cu ves a e also compa ed.The esults may be efe enced fo p ac-
tical enginee ing .
Keywords:conc ete-filled steel tube;st uctu e;design codes;bea ing capacities;stiffness
. , 、
、, CECS 28:90
[2] [3] [4] [5]
(1992 ) 、DL T 5085-1999(1999 ) 、GJB4142-2000(2001) DBJ13-51-2003(2003) .,
, ,
:①;②.DBJ13-51-2003 (2003)
, .,
《》, .
[2] [3] [4]
CECS 28:90 (1992) 、DL T 5085-1999 (1999 ) 、GJB4142-2000 (2001) DBJ13-51-
2003(2003) , (N )—
(M ), .
1 2 .
:(1975-), , , .
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