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Review Ⅱ A distinction may be made between open-die forging, usually in the form of hammer forging, and closed-die forging. ( ) A.自由锻; B.模锻; C.锤锻; D.手工锻. Powder metallurgy is a highly developed method of manufacturing reliable ferrous and nonferrous parts.( ) A.铁的; B.铜的; C.合金的; D.钢的 Injection molding is the predominant process for fabrication of thermoplastics into finished forms. ( ) A.热塑性的; B. 热固性的; C.塑料的; D.耐热的 An estimate showed that about 10 to 15% of all the metal produced in USA was converted into chips. ( ) A.芯片; B. 碎屑; C.成品; D.半成品 It is the angle between the face of the tool called the rake face and the normal to the machining direction. ( ) A.前刀面; B. 后刀面; C.低面; D.侧面 Grinding can be performed on flat, cylindrical, or even internal surfaces by employing specialized machine tools. ( ) A.机器; B.机床; C.工具; D.夹具 Lapping has two main functions. Firstly, it produces a superior surface finish. ( ) A.表面光洁度; B.表面波度; C.表面精度; D.表面切削量 lathetype-machine tools can be classified as follows: Engine lathes, toolroom lathes, turret lathes, etc. ( ) A.普通车床; B.工具车床; C.立车; D.专用车床 The spindle is driven through the gearbox, which is housed within the headstock. ( ) A.心轴; B.轴线; C.转轴 D.主轴 CIMS is a term to describe the most modern philosophy to manufacturing.( ) A.计算机集成控制系统; B.计算机数控; C.计算机集成制造系统 D.计算机辅助工程 To begin to understand these processes, consider a steel of the eutectoid composition. ( ) A.共析成分; B.共晶成分; C.亚共析成分; D.亚共晶成分; The opposite of elongation is upsetting, which produces compressive shortening. ( ) A.拔长; B.冲压; C.拉深; D.镦粗; This compacted material is placed in an oven and sintered in a controlled atmosphere at high temperatures and the metal powders coalesce and form a solid. ( ) A.熔化; B.压缩; C.烧结; D.成型; Injection molding is increasingly being used for thermosetting plastics, fiber-filled composit
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