C12026 新股发行轨制改革讲解谜底(国外英文资料).doc

C12026 新股发行轨制改革讲解谜底(国外英文资料).doc

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C12026 新股发行轨制改革讲解谜底(国外英文资料)

C12026 新股发行制度改革讲解答案(国外英文资料) C12026 the reform of the issuance system 90 points Testing a One, single choice question From (C) in China, we started the inquiry system for new issues. In 2001 A. In 2009 b. 2005 C. D. 2004, The reform of Chinas new issuance system in 2012 was centered on (A). Information disclosure Market constraint Integrity constraints Capital constraint Two, multiple choice questions At present, the main problem facing the new issue system in our country is (ABCD). A. retail investors are overchasing new shares The stock price structure is out of balance, and the IPO company is generally priced at a high p/e ratio C. small and small investors generally lose money, taking on the main risk of high prices Stir-fry new, fry small, fry the bad to become the climate The reform of the ipo system in 2012 is characterized by (ABCD). A. refine information disclosure requirements regarding corporate governance B. Further clarify the disclosure of dividend distribution policies C. reinforce the issuers risk disclosure D. focus on the authenticity and integrity of environmental disclosure 5. On the instructional advice on further deepening the reform of the ipo system in ipo reform measures including (ABCD) (the correct subject have more than one option) We will continue to improve supervision and control over new behaviors and safeguard the normal system of new stock exchanges B. Adjust the scope of the inquiry and the proportion of the distribution, further improve the pricing constraint mechanism C. Perfect the rules, clarify responsibilities, and reinforce the authenticity, accuracy, adequacy and integrity of the disclosure D. increase the number of new listed companies, and effectively alleviate the shortage of stock Third, true or false In the absence of any feedback before the review of the review, the regulator will be regarded as the new processing company for the review notification day. (right) correct error 7. 2012 ipo reform will gradually fade out



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