How to change your point of view.ppt

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How to change your point of view

Take archery contest for example when a zen archer wants to hit the target with a bow and arrow,he doesnt concentrate on the target,he concentrates rather on what he has in his hands,so when he lets the arrow go ,his focus is on the arrow,rather than the target. This is what an Eastern flanking maneuver implies : instead of approaching the target directly,you approach it from a sideways point of view---or laterally instead of vertically 5 Looking at crisis from an opportunity point of view is Lateral thinking Paragraph 14:Looking at a crisis from an opportunity point of view is a lateral thought In the Western world,crisis has come to mean danger.They focus only on the dangeraspect of crisis. However the word can also mean opportunity .There is always opportunity in crisis. Paragraph 14:Looking at a crisis from an opportunity point of view is a lateral thought Example:Global financial crisis breaks out.It brings a huge effect on both western and eastern economy. There is always opportunity in crisis.If you look at a crisis from an opportunity point of view ,maybe the crisis will be the turning point of your success When reaching an impasse, you can try to solve the problem laterally. It will help you ? be creative when you need it most ? increase your number of new and practical ideas dramatically ? attack problems with more and better ideas to get immediate results ? find alternative solutions ? turn problems into opportunities ? create new products, processes and services Thanks! * * * * * * * HOW TO CHALLENGE YOUR POINT OF VIEW By XXXXX Introduction When you are trying hard to solve a problem, but you reach an impasse in your thinking , what will you do? Still struggle vainly ,fighting to solve the problem? Or simply change your point of view? 1 Solving the problem by changing one’s point of view(1-3) 2 Lateral thinking----as a technique for changing one’s point of view(4-8) 3 Making vital shift in emphasis instead of attacking it


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