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Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs 形容词和副词的比较等级 1 .规则 2. 练习 1.同等程度的比较 1)“与---一样” —— “as/so+形容词/副词原级+as Ted is as bright as John 2) “与---一样” , “ 并不比—更(形容词或副词的反义)——“no +形容词/副词比较级+than John is no better than Tom 2 .不同程度的比较 1) “比---更”— “形容词/副词比较级+than” John is brighter than Mark. John behaves more politely than Ted. 2) “不如/没有“—not as /so形容词/副词比较 级 +than” John is not as tall as Bob. John doesn’t behave as/so politely as Bob 3) “不如/没有“—less+形容词/副词原级 +than” John is less tall than Bob. John behave less politely than Bob. 3.最高程度的比较 1)“ 在---当中最”—— 形容词副词最高级+ of/in— The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world. 2) “比—都更 ” “最”——比较级+than anyone else /比较级+than any other--- This car run faster than any other car in the garage. 3) “在---当中最不”——the least+形容词/副词原级 +of/in 从句。分词短语 This is the least difficult book I’ve ever read Note 1.形容词和副词的比较级前面可用much, rather, still, even, (by) far, yet, hardly, no, a bit, a little, a good/great deal, a lot/lots, three times等程度副词来修饰。(注意:many不能用来修饰比较级)。more than 前面可用 no, scarcely, nothing, little, hardly, almost, nearly等副词来修饰。(hardly more than不够,不超过; almost more than, nearly more than 几乎超过;as much as 表示程度多达……;more than或more … than 表示“与其说…不如说…”,“宁愿…也不愿”) 2.三者以上的比较:the + 最高级 + in /of/among或 one + of + the + 形容词最高级 + 名词复数。最高级前面可以有副词修饰,如:much, by far, easily, nearly, almost, by no means, not really, next, the second/third, but one。如: Light travel (the) fastest of all forms of matter.在所有物质中,光运动得最快。 3.倍数表示法: 1)?倍2)?数 + as + a./ad. + as 3)?x times + 形容词/副词的比较级 + than 4)?x times + the size (length, width, breadth, depth, value, level, velocity(速度,5)?速率) of /that …) 6)?double/treble(三倍7)?的)/quadruple(四倍8)?的) + 名9)?词 4.increase/expend (be, go up, speed up, raise, rise) + by + 倍11)?数/数字百分比, by后表示的是净增加数。Decrease, reduce, drop, go down表示相反意义。 Increase/expend (be, go up, speed up, raise, rise) + to + 数字(一定的量)。 举例: 1) The boy students in this school are nearly????__?? as the girl students to say they intend to get a college degree in business.


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