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2014年南京市高三英语热身训练题的说明 命题意图: 《高三英语热身训练题》旨在帮助本届考生在考前训练一些重点题和易错题,进一步强化学生审题能力和解题技巧,减少高考中不必要的失误。 重点题型: 共6组题,每组包括:单项填空(15题)、完形填空(1篇)、阅读理解(2篇)和书面表达(1篇)共四项内容。 使用建议: 1. 本《热身训练题》要让学生限时完成,单项选择每组(15题)8分钟,完形填空每篇15分钟,阅读理解每篇7分钟,书面表达每篇18分钟,要重点训练。 2.单选要突出核心概念理解和语境信息支撑,教师在讲评单选题时,要做到点面结合,举一反三;完形要关注叙议结合和议论文体;阅读要关注深层次设题,如:文章结构,行文走势,作者语气和态度,文体修辞等;书面表达要特别关注图示类和短文写作。 3.为了使用方便,6组试题均已编号,可以加听力整卷使用,也可以分解成专题作限时训练使用。 南京市教学研究室英语组 2014.5.10 2014年南京市高三英语热身训练题 (一) 单项填空. ________ news hit ________Venice Film Festival unexpectedly: Hayao Miyazaki, the world’s most honored creator of animated features, was ending his movie career. A. 不填;theB. 不填;不填C. The; 不填D. The; the 22. The successful candidate will be adaptable, take ownership of and develop in the role by taking initiative, being motivated and ________ high standards. A. ensured B. to ensure C. ensuring D. to be ensured 23. As the scheduled flight for Stockholm from Helsinki early Thursday was canceled, he had to _______ an airport hotel and will fly to Stockholm later Thursday if weather allows. A. check into B. burst into C. bump into D. bring into 24. He is never satisfied with what he has got. The grass is always greener on the other side of the ________. A. road B. fence C. wall D. garden 25. Blog discussions may be closed to new comments, ________?a message is displayed informing you of that. A. in what case B. in which case C.?in whose case D.?in that case 26. A promising?approach to reducing?appetite?which does not ________ taking any?drugs, and is very safe, is to drink a certain amount of water before a meal. A. suggest B. involve C. prevent D. practice 27. Make contacts among your parents’ friends, your neighbors, your community organizations — _______ you can find working adults, network. A. whenever B. whatever C.


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