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2017翻译硕士考研备考研习:短语解释详解(四-1)   公平竞争   fair competition   公共监查   public oversight   公共汽车候车亭 bus shelter   公共文化基础设施   culture-related facilities for public use   公开或变相涨价   to raise prices openly or in convert forms   公勺(多人吃饭时公用的) service spoon   公司犯罪   corporate abuse / crime / cheat / fraud / wrongdoing / misconduct   共同关心的问题   issue of common concern   共同基金 mutual funds   公务车   state-financed vehicle (The Beijing municipal government is trying to set an example on curbing pollution and energy consumption by imposing a traffic restriction on   State-financed vehicles. 为减少污染,降低能耗,北京市政府开始倡导减少公务车出行。)   公务员考试   civil service exam (About 1m candidates have applied for the 2009 national civil service exam, an increase of 25% over this year, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has said. 据人力资源和社会保障部统计,约百万人已报名参加2009年国家公务员考试,比2008年报考人数增长了25%。)   公益大使   charity ambassador (Neither Liu Xiang nor the Athletics Administrative Center will lodge a claim for compensation with China Ping An Insurance which gave Liu an RMB100m   accident insurance policy Liu last October, in accordance with the insurance contract and mutual understanding of relevant articles therein, the Center said Wednesday. Ping An said Liu Xiang will continue to act as the companys charity ambassador. 2007年10月,中国平安向刘翔赠亿元意外保险保单。国家体育总局田径运动管理中心今日表示,基于双方前期达成的保险合同及对相关条款的理解, 国家体育总局田径运动管理中心及刘翔本人不打算对中国平安提出索赔。中国平安将邀请刘翔继续担任公司公益大使。)   公益文化活动   nonprofit cultural programs   公有制   public ownership   公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展的基本经济制度   the basic economic system of keeping public ownership as the mainstay of the economy and allowing diverse forms of ownership to develop side by side   公众听证会 public hearings   工资正常增长机制   a mechanism for regular pay increases   狗流感   Dog flu (A dog flu virus is going around the US and has now been found in 30 states. 一种狗流感正在美国悄然蔓延,目前已有30个州发现了这种病毒。)   购买力   purchasing power   购买力平价   purchasing power parity (China next year will measure its gross domestic product (GDP) using purchasing power p



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