SL1003A260C,SL1003A230RF,SL1003A260R,SL1003A300R,SL1003A350R,SL1003A400R, 规格书,Datasheet 资料.pdf

SL1003A260C,SL1003A230RF,SL1003A260R,SL1003A300R,SL1003A350R,SL1003A400R, 规格书,Datasheet 资料.pdf

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SL1003A260C,SL1003A230RF,SL1003A260R,SL1003A300R,SL1003A350R,SL1003A400R, 规格书,Datasheet 资料

Surge arrester 3-electrode arrester Series/Type: T63-C350X Ordering code: B88069X7460B102 Version/Date: Issue 04 / 2011-12-20 Version: 01 Content of header bars 1 and 2 of data sheet will be automatically entered in headers and footers! Please fill in the table and then change the color to white (or invisible). This ensures that the table disappears for the customer PDF. To update the data sheet, click on the symbol Preview and then Close. Please do not alter the header or footer when copying the content. Identification/Classification 1: Surge arrester (header 1 + top left header bar) Identification/Classification 2: 3-electrode arrester (header 2 + bottom left header bar) Ordering code: B88069X7460B102 (top right header bar) Series/Type: T63-C350X (top right header bar) Preliminary data (optional): (if necessary) Department: PPD AB PD / PPD AB PM Date: Issue 04 / 2011-12-20  EPCOS AG 2011. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this document, enclosures hereto and the information contained therein without EPCOS prior express consent is prohibited. 芯天下--/ Surge arrester B88069X7460B102 3-electrode arrester T63-C350X Features Applications  Very fast response time  Branch Exchange (MDF)  Maximum current rating  Line protection  Stable performance over life


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