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论文题目:6万m3/d城市污水处理厂的设计专业:化学工程与工艺姓名:(签名)指导老师:(签名)摘要本设计是污水流量为6万m3/d的的城市污水处理厂,经过比较选择卡鲁塞尔氧化沟工艺进行污水处理。这种氧化沟的特点是工艺流程简单,运行管理方便;处理效果稳定,出水水质好;基建投资省,运行费用低;污泥量少,污泥性质稳定;具有一定承受水量、水质冲击负荷的能力;占地面积少。比起传统活性污泥系统,从处理技术的工艺和经济方面的认可度来说,氧化沟法的优势更加突出。经过处理后SS的去除率达到85%,BOD的去除率则达到90%,最大变化系数为1.4,出水也可达到国家废水的排放标准,运行成本合理、可靠。该工艺流程主要包括:格栅,沉砂池,氧化沟,二沉池,污泥浓缩池,污泥脱水间。厂区高程布置以及平面布置合理,减少占地面积,便于污水以及污泥的的输送,减少投资费用。本设计主要包括工艺方案的选择,工艺设计计算,污水处理厂总体布置,成本估算等。关键词:城市污水处理;设计;卡鲁塞尔氧化沟工艺;;工艺流程Subject : 6万m3 /d fand city sewage treatment plant designMajor: Chemical Engineering and technologyName:(signature)Tutor:(signature)ABSTRACTThe design flow of sewage was 6 million m3 / D of the urban sewage treatment plant. After comparison and selection of Carrousel oxidation ditch process for sewage treatment. The characteristics of the oxidation ditch is simple process, convenient operation and management; stable treatment effect, good water quality; infrastructure investment and operation cost is low; less amount of sludge, sludge stability; with must be under water, quality impact load capacity; covers an area of less. Compared with traditional activated sludge system, in recognition of the technology and economy, and the advantages of oxidation ditch more prominent. After processing after the SS removal rate can reach 85%, BOD removal rate is Reached 90%, the maximum coefficient of change is 1.4, the effluent can reach the national wastewater discharge standards, operating costs are reasonable and reliable.The process mainly includes: grille, grit chamber, oxidation ditch, the second pond, sludge thickening tank, sludge dewatering room. Plant elevation layout and reasonable layout, reduces the occupied area, easy to sewage and sludge conveyance, reduce the investment cost. The design mainly includes the choice of process scheme, process design and calculation, sewage treatment plant general layout, cost estimation.KEY WORDS: city sewage treatment; design; Carrousel oxidation ditch process; process;目录第一章绪论11.1城市污水处理现状及其发展11.2设计依据及原


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