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At present, appear water rice, let everyone was surprised. The National Peoples Congress, we can see the status of water flooding of rice. At present, China market, there is water in rice, a lot of it, you have to how to identify water rice? 1因为注水大米的水含量高,所以,从外表看的话,其颜色会比真正的大米颜色更白,而实际上,大米的颜色是偏透白灰,如果是大米非常白的话,则为注水大米。 1 because the water content water rice high, therefore, from the appearance of the color words, than the real rice color more white, but in fact,/ rice is the color of partial penetration of lime, if rice is very white, is the water of rice. 2看颗粒,一般的大米春颗粒是均匀状的,会有透光度,而注水大米,因为其含水量较大,所以,透光度不是太好,或者是没有晶莹感。 2 see grain, rice spring particle is generally uniform in shape, with light transmittance and water, rice, because of its higher water content,/ therefore, transparency is not very good, or is not clear. 3看表面。注水大米,因为含有的水量高,所以在散放后,水份蒸发,表面会有断裂面,就如泡了的米干后的裂面一样。而正常的大米则为光滑均匀表面。 3 see surface. Injection of rice, because of containing water is high, so in the loose, the evaporation of moisture,/ the surface will have fracture, crack surface as the bubble rice dry. While the normal rice is smooth and homogeneous surface. 4注水大米在不管是散装的,还是袋装的,你可以取一粒大米,用手指去掐一下,一般的情况下,干燥的大米是较硬的,手指掐不下去,而注水的大米用手掐则可以用掐痕。这种区别,大家可以自行去实验。 4 water rice in bulk in the matter, or bag, you can take a grain of rice, use your fingers to pinch, general, dry rice is relatively hard,/ his fingers without water, and rice by hand pinch pinch marks can be used. This distinction, we can go to the experiment. 5有鼻子仔细闻一下大米,正常的大米其是无味的,而注过水的,因为在运输过程中,加工过程中,出现的一系列问题,而有较轻或较重的异味。如果闻出有霉味的大米,不建议购买。 5 nose carefully smell of rice,/ normal rice which is tasteless, and inject water, because in the transportation process, in the process, a series of problems, but the smell lighter or heavier. If the smell musty rice, do not suggest to buy. 6取一粒大米,放进嘴里,咬一下,一般的大米咬开后,其断面是有冰糖状裂面,是无规则裂口。而注水大米,因为含水量大,你咬开后,会看到白色的断面,呈现出灰色,不是白裂面。 6 take a grain of rice, put into the mouth, bite, bite open general rice, the cross section is a candy


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