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雅思词汇词根学习之tain, ten, tin

智课网IELTS备考资料雅思词汇词根学习之tain, ten, tin 入门字 contain (v.) 包含 con/ tain together/ hold 进阶字 1. abstain (v.) 戒绝,不碰 abs/ tain away/ hold He once had a drinking problem and now abstains from alcohol altogether. 他以前酗酒,现在滴酒不沾。 2. attain (v.) 达成 at(ad)/ tain to/ hold Papua New Guinea attained independence in 1975. 巴布亚纽几内亚在一九七五年完成独立。 3. detain (v.) 扣留,耽搁 de/ tain away/ hold The trouble-making students were detained after school for two hours. 这几个问题学生放学后被留校两个小时。 4. entertain (v.) 娱乐,款待 enter(inter)/ tain between/ hold The hostess played a nocturne on the piano to entertain her guests. 这位女主人弹了一首钢琴小夜曲来娱乐宾客。 5. obtain (v.) 取得 ob/ tain to/ hold There is some indication that torture was used to obtain information from the suspect. 有迹象显示,为了取得情报,嫌犯曾遭到刑求。 6. retain (v.) 留下,保留 re/ tain back/ hold The new mayor retained most of the staff of his predecessor. 新市长留下了前任市长大部分的幕僚。 7. sustain (v.) 蒙受,维持 sus(sub)/ tain under/ hold The listed company sustained heavy losses in the latest stock-market crash. 这家上市公司在最近的一次股市崩盘中蒙受巨大损失。 8. tenaciously (adv.) 顽强地 ten/ ac/ ious/ ly hold/ 副词字尾 The wife of the missing man clung tenaciously to her hopes, refusing to admit that he was probably dead. 这名失踪男子的太太顽强地抱着希望,拒绝承认他很可能已经死了。 9. tenant (n.) 房客 ten/ ant hold/ 名词字尾 He is an ideal tenant, one who pays his rent in advance and doesnt bother anybody. 他是个完美的房客,房租预付,也不打扰别人。 10. tenet (n.) 教义,教条 ten/ et hold/ 名词字尾 The tenets of his religion forbid him to touch meat. 他所信仰的宗教中,教义明定禁止吃肉。 11. tenure (n.) 任期 ten/ ure hold/ 名词字尾 Justices on the Supreme Court enjoy life tenure. 最高法院的大法官享有终身任期。 12. content (n.) 目录,内容 con/ tent together/ hold You can get a rough idea about a book by looking at the table of contents. 你可以从目录来概略地了解一本书。 13. maintenance (n.) 保养,维护 main(manu)/ ten/ ance hand/ hold/ 名词字尾 You should take your car


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