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The most distant way in the world is not the way from birth to the end. It is when I sit near you that you dont understand I love you. 世界上最远的距离 不是生与死 而是我站在你的面前 你却不知道我爱你 What is true love? True love is giving, not taking. It is not conditional on anything, it is just giving. If someone loves you, he will take your feelings into consideration first, you are number one in his mind. Perhaps sometimes he will offend you, but if he is really for your good, that’s true love. Anyone who loves you never wants you to get any hurt. True love needs responsibility. Responsibility is not just a simple promise. So don’t let rhetoric words blind your eyes, but it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t believe in him. Trust is extremely important in true love, if there is no trust, there is no love, let alone true love. Besides, there is no betrayal in true love dictionary. If betrayal happens, it just means that your love is not true. The flowers of true love can never fade. So if you fall out of love with someone, don’t feel frustrated, even punish yourself, which is the most stupid thing in the world. Treat yourself well at anytime, for love is not all of your life. 后来家人写信催祝英台回家,临走前,祝英台留一封信告诉梁山伯「二八、三七、四六定」,意思是要梁山伯十天后去祝府提亲,但是梁山伯却以为是三个十天加在一起,所以一个月后才去提亲,等到梁山伯欢欢喜喜赶到祝家时,才知道马文才已经抢先一步提亲、并且下了聘礼,梁山伯只得心碎地离开,祝英台沿路相送、难舍难分。 梁山伯回家后,相思病重,写信向祝英台要一些找不到、拿不到的药方,表示病情绝望了,同时希望祝英台能前来探望一番,祝英台则回信告诉梁山伯,今生无缘,只希望二人死后可以一起安葬在南山。后来梁山伯病逝,祝英台假意应允马家婚事,但是要求迎亲队伍必须从南山经过,并且让她下轿祭拜梁山伯。当祝英台下轿拜墓,一时之间风雨大作、阴风惨惨,梁山伯的坟墓竟然裂开,祝英台见状,奋不顾身地跳进去,坟墓马上又合起来,不久,便从坟墓里飞出一对形影相随的蝴蝶…。 Edward VIII and MRS. SIMPSON : (不爱江山爱美人) In December of 1936, King Edward VIII of Great Britain shocked the world by giving up his kingdom in order to marry a twice-divorced American commoner named Wallis Simpson. Their love affair rocked the foundations of the British monarchy. The couple failed to produce children; Edward died in 1972. Edward and Mrs Simpson 这是近代以来最被人们津津乐道的一个爱情故事,直到如今还


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