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2015年卫生类职称英语教材新增文章的对比目录如下:? 旧文章 新增文章 卫生C 阅读理解 第五篇:U.S. Eats Too Much Salt 第五篇:Tracking Down HIV 补全短文 第二篇:Bedwetting 第二篇:The Hope Children’s Hospice 卫生B 补全短文 第七篇:Reinventing the Table 第七篇:Powering Napping is Good for the I.Q 卫生A 阅读判断 第十二篇:First Self-contained Heart Implanted 第十二篇:Inquest told of hospital error 补全短文 第十二篇 More Efforts Urged to Empower Women at AIDSConference 第十二篇:The enemy Within Power Napping is Good for the I.Q. Today we hear more and more about the importance of getting enough sleep—about eight hours a night. Sleep can help heal and give energy to both the body and the brain. 1_ Medical experts now believe that sleep is even more important for health than diet or exercise. It seems almost certain that the third of our lives that we spend asleep has a great effect on the two-thirds that we are awake. Sleep affects our emotions, memory, focus, and behavior. Studies show that people in developed countries spend less time asleep and more time at work or commuting. Dr. Karine Spiegel, at the University of Chicago, has found that the average length of sleep has gone down from nine hours a night in 1910 to seven-and-a-half hours a night today. However, our bodies cannot function well without enough sleep. 2_ Losing just one or two hours of sleep a night, over a long period of time, can cause serious health problems. According to Canadian scientist Dr. Stanley Coren, every hour of lost sleep at night causes us to lose one I.Q. point the next day. For example, when someone gets only five or six hours of sleep each night for a week, the person’s I.Q. could go down 15 points or more. 3_ That’s why, without enough sleep, a normally intelligent person may start to have difficulty doing daily tasks. Most sleep experts say that humans need at least eight hours of sleep every day, but it should be in two stages: a long sleep at night and a shorter nap in the afternoon. Some companies help their employees follow this advice. 4_ They allow them to “power nap


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