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CANCER —Servant of death Cancer — a scary?word, a scary disease, a callous killer 马三立 (膀胱癌) 李钰 (淋巴癌) 陈晓旭??( breast cancer ) Patrick Swayze (胰腺癌) luciano Pavarotti (胰腺癌) good?news: Millions of people with cancer still alive Technology for cancer treating Kylie Ann Minogue (breast cancer) WHAT IS CANCER? not?a?single disease includes more than 100 different diseases Disease An adult human body has about 30 trillion cells —30,000,000,000,000! WHY CANCER IS DANGEROUS? HOW DOCTORS TREAT CANCER? Removed by surgery Radiation,?such?as?X?rays Chemotherapy,using drugs make people very sick The?best?weapon to detect it early before spread Cancer killer : nano robot traditional Chinese medical science WAYS TO PREVENT CANCER? Don’t smoke! Keep healthy diet. Avoid too much sun. Getting plenty of sleep and exercise and eating the right foods can help keep you healthy. Cancer—it’s?scary?word, and a scary disease. Cancer kills a lot of people all over the world. But?there’s?good?news too. Millions of people who have had cancer are still alive. Doctors have learned a great deal about treating and preventing cancer. WHAT IS CANCER? Cancer?is?not?a?single disease. It includes more than 100 different diseases. They may affect any part of the body. But they have one thing in common. They are all caused by cells that are out of control. All?living?things?are made up of cells. An adult human body has about 30 trillion cells—that’s 30,000,000,000,000! Cells reproduce (make more cells) by dividing in half. In an adult body, about 25 million cells divide every second. That’s how the body heals itself. Sometimes?a?cell?goes out of control and divides over and over. And that’s what cancer is—unhealthy cells, growing and reproducing out of control. These cells are said to be cancerous. WHY CANCER IS DANGEROUS When?cancerous?cells?multiply, they form tumors. Tumors can interfere with important body processes. Cancer of the lungs,


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