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会议发言常见用语中英对照 口译的“缩” 1. 由于中国鼓励环保产业的发展并投入巨资,中国的环境有了显著的改善。 Chinas encouragement and big investment in environmental protection industry led to a much better invironment. 2.在过去的五年中他一直坚持不懈,努力训练,最终重夺世界冠军。 His perseverence and hard training in the last five years helped him regain world championship. 3.尽管在这一行他经验不足,但是凭借自己的刻苦钻研,在不久之后他就成为最佳销售。 Little experience didnt prevent him from becoming the best salesman with his loborious work. 4.尽管在十年前韩国还只是一个经济落后,资源匮乏的弱国。但是通过引进外资,发展工业,现在的韩国已是亚洲经济四小龙之一。 A less-competitive country backward in economy and lack of resources ten years ago,Korea has become one of the four _________in Asia by introducing forEign investment and developing industry. 5.黄山位于安徽省境内,方圆约二十平方公里,是海内外知名的旅游景点,每年来此旅游的游客不计其数。 The Yellow Mountain,located in An Hui Province and covering an area of about twenty squre kilometers,is a world-known scenic spot with numerous tourists annually. 口译之礼仪-欢迎辞 1. 欢迎辞 Words and Phrases:official launch,on the occasion of,opening ceremony,long-term,enthusiastic,enthusiasm,dynamic,dynamics,energy,energetic,vigor,vigorous, cradle of ancient civilization,childhood dream,delegation,meet old friends and establish new contacts,cosmopolitan city,cosmopolis,metropolitan city,metropolis,harbour,port,appreciation,grateful,arrival,friends coming from afar,cooperation,strategic partnership,Bon Voyage,have a safe trip home,meet sb all the way,wish sb a unforgettable journey,extend/express one’s warm welcome to,distinguished guests,VIP,host,on behalf of,faculty,staff,crew,contribution to Sentences:I regard it my great honor/pleasure/privilege to have the rare opportunity to have name,title visit our city of ____,which is crowned as _______,and I do hope that Your Honor enjoy your stay here and see by your own eyes the great hospitality of people here as well as its fabulous dynamics. 2.感谢辞 Words and Phrases:extraordinary,utmost courtesy,genuine friendship,diversity,gracious invitation,hospitable,hospitality,heart-felt,sincere,sincerity,remarkable,accomp


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