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The culture of Major English-speaking Countries Section A Land The UK The US The UK Questions: what is the official name of this country? What are the geographic features of the country? Text A The Land of The UK After the first paragraph, the questions: 1. its location, area and components. 2. its geographic features: surrounded by…, 3. its climate 4. its population 5. language, religion and class stucture 6. capital Summer 英国地处西半球大西洋东岸,是北温带海洋性气候,其夏季是温馨宜人的季节,人们常常用“美好”、“可爱”、“温和”来形容它。因此莎士比亚在他的一首十四行诗中把爱人比作夏天,“Shall I compare thee to a summers' day? " Commonwealth of Nations/British Commonwealth英联邦 The Commonwealth is composed of the UK and its previous colonies and the dependent countries. it includes 54 countries now. Canada, Australia, Neazealand, South Africa,Malaysia, Singapore the head is the English queen Pirates of the Caribbean Westminster Church St.Paul's Cathedral different lifestyle 在英国,“upper class”很多都有两名servants、一艘游艇yacht;middle class大多在法国或西班牙海滨拥有第二处房产;与此相反,工薪阶层working class的日子过得有点“抠门”;而领取救济金alms的穷人则住在伦敦东区和南区由政府建造的简易高楼里。 上流社会:300万英镑是门槛 the Tate Gallery The four parts of the UK Questions: Which part occupies most of the island of Great Britain? Which nation has the strongest national identity? England The largest and most populous constituent part Inhabitants account for more than 82% of the total population of the UK Regional and cultural differences Highly urbanized, big cities why foreigners would call the UK as "England" the character of English people Scotland second, the most rugged part. geography(lowland, highland) Capital city, Glasgow, Aberdeen Dundee local languages, the tipical Scottish garment the character of Scottish Wales it is mountainous, coastline consists of bays, beaches, peninsulas and cliff, Cardiff Welsh retain a powerful sense of difference from England. the distinction between the north and the south of Wales the character of Welsh. Northern Ireland its geographic features what is it quite famous for? its language


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