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摘要框架—剪力墙结构的主要结构是框架,由梁和柱组成,其中有小部分的是剪力墙。剪力墙主要作为抗侧力构件,在水平荷载作用下维护整体结构的稳定性。适用于结构比较复杂或是竖向荷载较大的高层建筑。从整体来看,框剪结构是框架结构和剪力墙结构两种体系的结合,既有框架结构的大开间功能,便于平面的布置,又有剪力墙构件能起到很好的抗侧力作用。从变形来看,框架结构受力变形时,上部的层间位移相对于下部的层间位移小,而剪力墙结构受力变形时上部的层间位移相对于下部的要大。两种结构的结合,能够很好地减小结构的层间相对位移比和顶点位移比,使结构的侧向刚度得到了提高。从受力来看,由于框架结构中的剪力墙侧向刚度比框架的侧向刚度大得多,所以在承受水平荷载时,有大约80%的力是由剪力墙承担。框架结构和剪力墙结构的结合使结构的层间变形趋于均匀,结构受力时侧移小,整体稳定性高。本工程为8层混凝土框架—剪力墙办公楼。无地下室。底层长为30m,宽为15m。使用年限为50年,建筑物的重要性类别为二类,安全等级为二级,抗震设防烈度8度,二类场地,框架抗震等级为三级,剪力墙抗震等级为二级,楼梯为混凝土双跑楼梯。要完成毕业设计,首先熟悉设计任务书,阅读有关高层建筑和框剪结构的相关文献,完成开题报告。PKPM阶段,首先是跟着老庄教程学习PKPM软件,学会PMCAD平面布置和基本参数设置,然后学习SATWE模块,进行详细参数的输入以及内力计算。输出结构之后根据PKPM示例书籍进行输出数据的检查,对于不符合规范要求的数据再对照前面的平面布置和数据输入进行修改,多次修改计算检查之后得出最后的结果。对于PKPM没有给出的楼梯的布置,进行手算。楼板计算中也用手算进行了验算。最后绘制结构施工平面图,?写作毕业论文。关键词:框剪结构、高层建筑、PKPMStructural Design Of The Frame Share Wall BuildingAbstractThe main structure of the frame - shear wall structure is the frame, which is composed of beam and column, and a small part is the shear wall. The shear wall as a lateral force member, is to maintain the stability of the overall structure under the horizontal load. It is suitable for tall buildings with complex structures or vertical loads. Frame shear wall structure is a combination of two systems of frame structure and shear wall structure, frame structure is easy to layout of the plane, and shear wall components can play a good role in resisting lateral force. When the frame structure is stressed, the displacement of the upper part is smaller than the lower part. For the frame wall structure, it is the opposite. The combination of the two structures can well reduce the relative displacement ratio between the structure and the ratio of the vertex displacement, so that the lateral rigidity of the structure is improved. As the lateral stiffness of the shear wall in the frame structure is much more than that of the frame, so there are about 80% of the load is supported by the frame wall structure. The combination of frame structure and shear wall structure makes the struc


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