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2003, Aug. 24 (4): 259~ 264 CN 53- 1040/ Q ISSN 0254- 5853 Zoological esearch 1 2 1, 3 王彦平, 陈水华, 丁 平 ( 1. , 310028; 2. , 310012) 2002 3~ 7 24 , , : 13 , 460 ; 839% 5 , , : ; ; ; ; ; ; , , , ; ; ; ; : : Q9597; Q9581 : A : 0254- 5853( 2003) 04- 0259- 06 Breeding Birds and Their Nests in Street Tree Strips in Hangzhou City 1 2 1, 3 WA NG Ya nping , CHEN Shuihua , DING Ping ( 1. Col lege of Lif e Science , Zhej iang University , H angzhou 310028, China ; ( 2. Zhej iang Museum of Natural H istory , H angzhou 310012, China Abstract: Data on birds and th ir n sts w r coll ct d in 24 str t tr strips in Hangzhou, China, in th br ding s ason from March to July 2002, and th r lationship b tw n th n stnumb r ( NN) and som ig nvalu s of th strips was shown by multipl st pwis r gr ssion. Thirt n sp ci s and th ir 460 n sts in total w r obs rv d. Of th n sts, 839% w r built by Py cnonotus sinensis and som colonial br ding sp ci s including Nycticorax nycticor ax , A rdeola bacchus and Bubulcus ibis . Fiv sp ci s including Turdus p oliocep halus , N nycticorax , tc. t nd d to build n sts at tall tr s, and th n sts for th whol bird community incr as d with th m an tr h ight. Mor positiv r lations ap p ar d b tw n: th foliag h ight div rsity and NN of Lonchura striata and


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