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设计模式 – 原型(Prototype)模式 Session3 By 佘丹 1st Jul 2008 原型(Prototype)模式 通过给出一个原型对象来指明所要创建的对象类型,然后用拷贝这个原型对象的办法创建出更多的同类型对象。 孙大圣的毫毛 孙悟空在与黄风怪的战斗中,“使一个身外身的手段:把毫毛揪下一把,用口嚼得粉碎,望上一喷,叫声‘变’,变有百十个行者,都是一样得打扮,各执一根铁棒,把那怪围在空中。”换而言之,孙悟空可以根据自己的形象,拷贝出很多“身外身”来。 孙悟空这种身外身的手段在面向对象设计领域里叫原型(Prototype)模式。 1,Java对原型模式的支持 在Java里面,我们可以通过Clone()方法实现原型模式。任何类,只要想支持克隆,必须实现Cloneable接口。Cloneable接口中有Clone方法,可以在类中复写实现自定义的克隆方法。克隆的实现方法有三种:浅拷贝、深拷贝和完全拷贝。 (1)浅拷贝 被拷贝对象的所有变量都含有与原来的对象相同的值,而所有的对其他对象的引用仍然指向原来的对象。换言之,浅拷贝仅仅拷贝所考虑的对象,而不拷贝它所引用的对象。 (2)深拷贝 被拷贝对象的所有变量都含有与原来的对象相同的值,除去那些引用其他对象的变量。那些引用其他对象的变量将指向被拷贝过的新对象,而不再是原有的那些被引用的对象。换言之,深拷贝把要拷贝的对象所引用的对象都拷贝了一遍。 (3)完全拷贝 完全拷贝不仅把要拷贝的对象所直接引用的对象都拷贝了一遍, 还把该对象间接引用到的所有对象也都拷贝了一遍。这是最彻底的一种拷贝。 2,Java的clone()方法 Clone protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException This method may be called to create a new copy of the Object. The typical behavior is as follows: o == o.clone() is false o.getClass() == o.clone().getClass() is true o.equals(o) is true However, these are not strict requirements, and may be violated if necessary. Of the three requirements, the last is the most commonly violated, particularly if the subclass does not override equals(Object) 55 . If the Object you call clone() on does not implement Cloneable (which is a placeholder interface), then a CloneNotSupportedException is thrown. Notice that Object does not implement Cloneable; this method exists as a convenience for subclasses that do. Objects implementation of clone allocates space for the new Object using the correct class, without calling any constructors, and then fills in all of the new field values with the old field values. Thus, it is a shallow copy. However, subclasses are permitted to make a deep copy. All array types implement Cloneable, and override this method as follows (it should never fail): public Object clone() { try { super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new InternalError(e.getMessage()); } } 2,


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