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Exercise: Conversion 1. The streets are marked by an absence of color. Conversion: noun ? verb 街道上缺乏色彩。 2. Patriotism, to me, is the love of my country and the right to change things that I don’t like by voting. 1. 句法分析错误。本句做句法分析尤为重要。 (1)抓住句子主干结构—主系表:Patriotism is the love and the right. (2) 分析修饰关系和并列关系。厘清每一个单词和词组存在的句法功能。 Patriotism, to me, is the love of my country and the right to change things that I don’t like by voting. 2. 翻译技巧:conversion:noun ? verb 在我看来,爱国主义就是热爱我的国家,就是有权通过选举改变我不喜欢的事情。 3. The rotation of the earth on its axis causes the change from day to night. 代词省略:注意代词its的处理:“绕着它的轴线”不符合汉语表达习惯。 地理常识:自转 公转 翻译技巧:Conversion: noun ? verb 地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜交替。 4. He admired the President’s stated decision to fight for the job. 翻译技巧:Conversion: past participle ? verb 他对总统所作出的为了保住他的总统工作所下的决心表示钦佩。 总统表明决心要为了保住(竞选)职位而奋斗,他对此表示钦佩。 5. The victory of justice over arbitrary acts, of reason over decadence and blindness, of democracy over imperialism, of good over evil, our victory of 25 October will represent one of the glorious pages of our history, and we shall be able to leave it to our heirs. 注意关键名词的选词准确性 正义战胜专制、理智战胜堕落与盲目、民主战胜帝制、善良战胜邪恶。我们在十月二十五日取得的胜利将在历史上写下光辉的一页,世代相传。 6. In China’s approach to relations with other countries, we find a welcome emphasis on the principles of the equality of states and respect for the rights and views of small and middle powers. 1. 影响理解的问题:词义 (1). approach: method (2). welcome: adj if something is welcome, you are glad that it has happened (3). power: country, especially when referring to political influence or military strength In China’s approach to relations with other countries, we find a welcome emphasis on the principles of the equality of states and respect for the rights and views of small and middle powers. 2. 翻译技巧:conversion 我们看到中国在处理与其他国家的关系中强调各国一律平等的原则,尊重中小国家的权利和意见,对此我们表示欢迎。 7. A week after his prelude to the President’s visit, China was in. 1. 难点:词义理解和背景常识 (1) prelude: if an event is a prelude to a more important event, i


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