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单位代码 学 号 分 类 号 密 级 毕业设计说明书 JP6型建筑垃圾破碎机设计 院(系)名称 工学院机械系 专业名称 机械设计制造及其自动化 学生姓名 指导教师 JP6型建筑垃圾破碎机设计 摘 要 本设计论文对建筑垃圾目前处理现状及立法和管理进行了全面的调查和总结,分析了建筑垃圾的成分及特征,介绍了目前国内建筑垃圾治理产业特别是建筑垃圾破碎机的利用和市场前景;针对目前建筑垃圾处理日趋成为城市建设的顽症的情况,对国内外建筑垃圾的综合利用的现状和处理方法进行了介绍;系统的说明了建筑垃圾破碎机特别是锤式建筑垃圾破碎机的作用及工作原理。立轴式破碎机由于构造简单、耗能少、维修方便、出料粒度又能满足一定的需求,故有一定的需求市场。立轴锤式破碎机的工作原理是利用高速回转转子上锤头(板锤)的冲击、挤压等的产生的冲击动能被迅速转变为变形功,瞬间在物料内部产生应力波,并飞快地向四周传播,使物料在其内部的缺陷、裂纹和晶粒界面处产生很大的应力集中,促使物料沿这些脆弱面裂开而破碎。 同时针对本型破碎机的设计进行了计算,对破碎机的主要组成部分电动机、传动轴、轴承、传动机构的选择进行了一系列计算,作出了最终的选择,并进性了初步的校核验证。分析证明该型破碎机在理论设计上可行性,可以投入实际生产。 关键词:建筑垃圾,综合利用,破碎机,立轴 The design of JP6 motor hammer crusher Abstract The paper investigates and sums up how to dispose of the building garbage. Today, and it also introduces and characteristics of the building garbage. It introduces not the local building garbage disposition industry, especially the usages and the market prospects of the Building garbage polarizer. It aims at the bad cir constancies of the current building garbage disposition’s gradually becoming the persistent ailment of the city developments. It introduces the synthesizing usages of both the domestic and the international Building Garbage pulverizes. It explains the function and working principle of the Building Garbage pulverize especially the Hammered Building Garbage pulverize. It expounds the bring upping of the machine project and the basic way of thinking the design on this kind of the building garbage pulverize. Shaft-breakers as simple structure, less consumption and maintenance convenience, the material can meet certain size requirements Therefore, there is a demand for the market. Vertical hammer crusher The working principle is the use of high-speed rotating rotor Hammer (Hammer plate) the impact, Squeeze the kinetic energy produced by the impact of the rapid transformation of deformation work, in the instant materials inter


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