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这些变化只有随着我的存储能力的不断提高才成为可能。最初是被存储到电子管中,以后是晶体管上,后来是非常小的芯片上。因此,我已经完全改变了我的形状。随着我年龄越来越大,我也变得越来越小。随着时间的推移,我的记忆能力发展得如此之快,就像一头大象一样,从来不会忘记告诉我的任何事情!我的存储容量变得如此巨大,连我自己都不能相信!但是我总是孤孤单单地站在那里,直到20世纪60年代初,人们才给了我一个用网络联成的家庭。我能够通过万维网和其他人分享我的知识。 从20世纪70年代起,我又被开发出了很多新的用途。我在通讯、金融和商业领域变得非常重要。我还被放在机器人里面,被用来制作移动电话,并且用来帮助做医疗手术。我还被放置在航空火箭里去探测月球和火星。不管怎样,我的目标是给人类提供高质量的生活。现在我充满了幸福感,因为我是人类忠实的朋友和助手! * * * 返回 随着网络技术的快速发展,方便、快捷的网上购物渐成趋势。现在越来越多的人在网上购买自己喜爱的图书。 More Chinese buy books online Online shopping is becoming popular in China,and more and more Chinese are buying books on the Net. About 63 percent of Chinese Internet users have made online purc- hases(购买) and 56 percent of them h- ave bought reading materials, the hig- hest ratio(比率)in the world,said a report. But according to the fourth national reading survey rele-ased by the China Research Institute of Publishing Science, theres been a decrease in Chinas national reading ratio over the past six years. However,as E-commerce(电子商务) has become part of peoples daily life, the book market has seen a big jump in sales and readership.D recently saw a boom(兴旺) in its sales and readership.“Online bookstores made it possible for people to have more choices, and at the same time,promote the print book market,”a researcher said. Yet things are not so good for traditional bookstores. “Many people come to our bookstore, just to write down the names of the books they want and then go online to buy them,” said a sales clerk at a traditional bookstore in Beijing. Faced with the low-cost advantage of online bookstores, traditional ones can do nothing but lower their prices.How-ever,Huang Yuhai,Chairman of 99,an online bookseller said that online bookstores pose no threat to tra-ditional ones,instead they can serve as a beneficial comple-ment(补充). Online booksellers still have a long way to go in terms of sales. “It is still too early to tell,” Huang said,“The to-tal sales of three online bookstores inc


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