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dyna沙漏控制(国外英文资料) The definition of hourglass Hourglass hourglassing usually occurs in the case of a reduction unit: For example, a quadrilateral reduced integration unit, which has four nodes "o", but only one point "*". And the points are located in the center of the unit, and if the unit is bent or cut, the deformation is bound to occur, as shown in figure a. [LS -dyna] the hourglass phenomenon and its control in the finite element simulation However, the reality is in these three cases, the unit integral point of principal stress and shear stress condition did not change, that is to say, the unit can freely shift between the three forms without external force. A small disturbance can theoretically allow the unit to deform indefinitely without consuming any energy, which is the so-called zero-energy model of the hourglass. You have to control the hourglass, for example by putting a certain stiffness on the unit. Hourglass affects only entities and quadrilateral element and the tetrahedron unit, triangular shell element and beam element no hourglass mode, but the tetrahedron unit, triangular shell element is considered too rigid in many applications. The scope of the hourglass: When using the reduced integral unit in explicit dynamic analysis, it is necessary to determine whether the hourglass will have a significant effect. The general rule is that the hourglass energy should not exceed 10% of the internal energy. Viewing and judging of the impact of the hourglass: Hourglass energy and internal energy contrast can see in ASC GLSTAT and MATSDM Ⅱ files (both need to set up during pretreatment, or in the K file Settings: set in the * control_energy card HGEN = 2, and output system, each in * * database_matsum database_glstat and card and every part of the hourglass can), also can draw in POST20. To make sure that these documents record the hourglass energy results, note that the HGEN in EDENERGY should be set to 1. For the shell unit, you can draw a cloud image of th


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