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乌鲁木齐地区高三年级第一次诊断性测验(国外英文资料) The first diagnostic test in high school in urumqi in 2012 English test reference answers and grading criteria Volume I (choice, 115) The first part of the hearing (the total of 30 points) Section 1 (5 minor points; 1.5 out of 5) 1-5 BBABB Section 2 (15) 6-10 ABCBA 11-15 BCABB 16-20 ABACA The second part of the English knowledge application (the total score of 45) The first section of the paper is complete with 15 points. 21-25 ADBCB 26-30 ACDCB 31-35 CBABD The second section of the paper is complete with 20 questions. 36-40 BADCB 41-45 ACBDC 46-50 ADABC 51-55 BCADD Part 3 reading comprehension (the total of 40 points) The first stanza (15 little questions; 2 out of 30) 56-60 CDDAC 61-65 ABBAC 66-70 ABDDA Section 2 (5 minor points; 2 out of 10) DACEG. 71-71 Volume II (non-choice, 35 points) Section 4 writing (two sections, 35 points) In the first paragraph, the short passage was correct (10 minor points; 1 out of 10). The Flea has observed a strange habits of fleas. Fleas are trained by putting it in Habit them A box with the lid on it. The fleas will jump up and hit the lid of the box over and over again a. You watch them jump and hit the lid, something very interesting become obvious becomes To jump, so they are no longer jumping higher enough to hit the lid But Sunday afternoon to Lid, the fleas continue to jump, but they will not jump out of the box. They have had Why go to be They just do all they can do. Many times, people restrict themselves and never reach their potential like The fleas, they fail to jump high, thinking they are doing what they can do. who Section 2 written (out of 25) Possible version我相信我能飞 我相信我能飞是一首好听的歌。这首歌告诉我们信心是非常重要的。当我们有 信心,我们相信我们能成功。它不仅能让我们勇敢地面对困难,而且还可以 鼓励我们取得成功。我们有必要拥有梦想和信心。如果我们相信我们能飞 我们总有一天能飞。 我想我无论何时遇到困难都不会放弃。我相信我自己,我一定会实现的 在未来的成功。 B:独特的校园(校园) 走进这所学校,我发现自己爱上了它。我对它的第一印象是“独一无二”, 因为它充满了爱和美丽。校园里有两个游泳池、一个大操场、一个健身房和一大堆 我们学习的建筑。还有几棵树和美丽的花,都很吸引人 春天。此外,我喜欢风景,因为它给我一种生活的感觉。 我不得不说,它就像一个大家庭,主要是因为这里的人都非常友好和随和。在这里,我们把老师



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