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* * 熟悉考纲要求 明了命题思路 了解考生表现 结合实际备考 ----2013年中考口语备考 常平振兴中学 香 瑞 兴 2013年3月20日 几 点 感 想 There are no shortcuts to good grades. Diligence is crucial. 3. What I am going to talk about may be the same as what you have already done. 4. Just hope to get you to think what can be done better. 要 点 1、2012年中考口语试题分析; 2、四个大题的解题技巧; 3、我们学校备考做法。 2012年中考真题分析 与答题技巧 考察要点:单音节、双音节、 多音节、 辅音连缀,成音节的读音 音标的答题技巧 答题时先找准元音,划分好音节, 可以尝试用汉语拼音的拼读规则来读。 A: Thanks for coming in for the interview, Katrina. B: That’s Ok. This is Bill. You can interview him, too. A: Ok, then, so, um, how often do you exercise? B: Every day. C: Hardly ever. A: Uh-huh. How often do you eat vegetables and fruit? C: I sometimes eat vegetables. But I never eat fruit. I don’t like it. A: All right. So how many hours do you sleep every night? B: Nine. I need lots of sleep. 视频播放时间:1分5秒 来自八年级课本的对话。 Dear grandma, How is it going? I hope that grandpa is well now. I was sorry to that he had a cold last week. I hope you are in good health. Things are fine here. I finished my end-of-year exams last week and got my report card today I always get nervous when I see the envelope from school in the mail But luckily I did OK this time. The good news is that my math teacher said I was hard-working. And my Spanish teacher said my listening was gook. Well, that’s about all the news I have for now. Mom and dad send their love. Love, Alan. 视频播放时间:55秒 八年级3a 的文章 模仿朗读: 重点训练学生朗读八年级的3a 文章,跟读模仿,改进语音语调。 Please tell us the name of your city. (周围的环境) 2. Could you please say something about your English study. Please give us two examples. (语言学习) 3. What time do you usually get up every day? (日常生活) 4. What is your favourite season? Why? (节假日) 5. Do you kn


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