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摘 要 汇率变动对一个国家经济的影响毋庸置疑。1949年新中国成立以来,我国的汇率制度经历若干阶段,逐步由计划经济体制下的外汇管理体制过渡到以市场供求为基础的、单一的、有管理的浮动汇率制,人民币汇率不盯住单一美元,形成更富弹性的人民币汇率机制。此后,人民币对美元汇率形成持续稳定上升趋势,这势必会给我国经济带来巨大影响,因此,各个学者对于人民币升值的现象及其带来的各种影响的研究从未间断过。 历年来,国内外学者对于汇率升值对贸易的影响的研究一直在进行,例如最经典的马歇尔,罗宾逊等在20世纪20—30年代提出的贸易收支弹性论等等,而近年来人民币汇率一直在升值的迹象对于中国出口贸易也有着深远的影响。由于人民币汇率升值,内资企业的产品在出口贸易中相对缺乏竞争力,而外资企业对于汇率的反应更灵敏,可能使得外资企业出口占我国出口比重减小。对此,我们应有积极应对的措施,例如政府可以扩大内需,拉动经济增长,减少贸易顺差,维持国际收支平衡,消除人民币升值的不对称性;我国企业可以优化出口产品结构,创造自主品牌,寻找更多的贸易伙伴,开拓国际市场,以减少汇率升值对我国出口贸易的抑制作用。 关键词:政策状况,经济现状,影响,方法 ABSTRACT Effect of exchange rate changes on a countrys economy is no doubt. Since the founding of new China in 1949, Chinas exchange rate system has gone through a number of stages, gradually transition from the foreign exchange management system under the planned economy system to the exchange rate system based on market supply and demand, single, managed floating, RMB exchange rate is not pegged to the US dollar, more flexible RMB exchange rate formation mechanism. Since then, the RMB to form a stable rise against the dollar, which will bring huge influence to our country economy, therefore, many scholars study the various effects of RMB appreciation of the phenomenon and the resulting has never been interrupted. Over the years, scholars at home and abroad to exchange rate appreciation of research has been on the influence of trade, such as the classic elasticity of trade balance theory put forward by Marshall, Robinson in the 20th century ’30s, and so on, and in recent years has been a sign of appreciation of RMB exchange rate on China’s export trade also has a far-reaching influence. Due to the appreciation of RMB exchange rate, domestic enterprises product relative lack of competitiveness in export trade, the foreign capital enterprise for the rate of reaction is more sensitive, may make our export proportion of foreign investment enterprise. To this, we should have positive measures, such as the government can expand domestic demand and boost economic growth


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