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本 科 毕 业(设计)论 文 (二○一二 届) 题 目: 太阳能板指向控制 分院系部: 计算机与信息学院 专 业: 电子信息工程 姓 名: 导师姓名: 导师职称: 太阳能板指向控制 摘要:面对目前的能源困境,太阳能成为了大势所趋,如何解决太阳能利用率成了一个重要的研究课题。当太阳能电池板与太阳的照射方向垂直时,太阳能电池板单位时间内接收到的能量最多,光电转换效率最高,而因为固有的地球绕日运动规律和自转规律,严格说来,在一年中的每一个白昼的每一时刻,地球上任一个地点到太阳的方位角和高度角都是不同的,所以,要确保太阳能电池板的效率最高,就要频繁地调整太阳能电池板的姿态,因此,有必要研制一种自动控制装置,使太阳能电池板的姿态在指定时段能自动地跟踪太阳位置,始终垂直于太阳的直射方向。 本文提出两中解决问题提高太阳能利用率:一种是根据公知的地球自转和地球绕日公转规律,来确定地球的某一点在白昼的某一时刻太阳的方位角和高度角,换言之,可以确定地球上的某一点太阳的方位角和高度角与当地的经、纬度和当地时间的存在的固定的函数关系。然后通过AT89C51利用这种函数关系定时定点的控制高度和方位两个步进电机来控制太阳能板得转向;另外一种是直接通过传感器来感应在太阳能板上四个方位的受热程度,然后通过AT89C51对四个方位的受热程度进行采集,再通过AD转换进行比较来控制高度和方位两个步进电机来控制太阳板的指向。 关键字:AT89C51单片机,ADC0808,四相步进电机,LXD4526光敏电阻 Solar panels point to Control XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Abstract:Faced with the current energy difficulties, solar energy has become the trend of the times and how to solve the solar energy utilization has become an important research topic. Energy perpendicular to the direction of solar panels and sun exposure, solar cell panels per unit time received up to the highest photoelectric conversion efficiency, because inherent in the earth around the law of motion and rotation of the law, strictly speaking, in the year every moment of every day, the earth took office one place to the suns azimuth and elevation are different, to ensure the highest efficiency of solar panels, it is necessary to frequently adjust the attitude of the solar panels, so necessary to develop an automatic control device, the attitude of the solar panels to automatically track the position of the sun during the specified time, always perpendicular to the direct direction of the sun. This paper presents two problem-solving to improve solar energy utilization: one is based on public knowledge of the Earths rotation and the Earth revolution around the Sun laws, to determine a point of the earth at a certain hour in the day the suns azimuth and elevation angle, in other words, you can determine a point on Earth the suns azimuth and elev


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