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钻石卡学员超级作文模版 通过分析历年真题,我们可以判断如果考查的是消极的内容的话,都是社会性问题,而 社会性问题无非是由个人以及社会法制不健全引起的,而解决方案也可以基于这两点提出; 近几年的积极方面的考察主要是以小见大,从某些品质或是某些特性写对人生,对社会的影 响。正是基于以上对历年考题的分析才有下面的这两篇模板。 关于这篇模板的使用,请一定要在理解记忆的前提下使用,这样可以根据具体考题内容 删减模板语句。 ☆ 一种事物或现象(正面意义倾向) As is vividly depicted in the picture,(描述图画).The most striking feature is ( 图画重点信 息) 。The status of the phenomenon as the focus of public concern mainly results from its profound influence on individuals, and on our society. As is symbolically revealed in the above picture(s), the deep implication profoundly indicates that (从图画提炼出的核心信息) ,which is important and fundamental to anyone who undertakes great deeds. Nothing is more beneficial than (从图画提炼出的核心词) to overcome our defects and improve our efficiency. From what have been discussed above, it is, therefore, necessary that some effective measures are taken. On the one hand, we should keep learning more to acquire base. On the other hand, it is demanding for us to take part in various activities to prove ourselves and strengthen ourselves. However, practice is the most important factor. Only when you pay attention to it and practice it, can you make it better in the near future. ☆ 一种事物或现象(负面意义倾向) What is depicted in the picture(s) seems ridiculous but thought—provoking on second thought, which has attracted extensive attention of the society. The most striking feature is that…… ( 图画的重点信息). There is no doubt that its symbolic meaning subtly conveyed should be given deep consideration Though with various reasons and forms, from the perspective of the essence, the phenomenon(尽量换成图画中提炼出的中心词) reflected by the picture(s) originates from the disguised shadows of individual desires and the loophole of our law system. Thus, we should seek the solutions through setting foot on these aspects. Otherwise, we may


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