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43 NAVIGAT ION OF CHINA Serial No. 43 * R 王孝通 王浣尘 瞿学林 郑 海 李天伟 ( , 200052) ( , 116018) 提出了基于面向对象技术和 树索引结构 航海资料数据模型。它通过面向对 R 象技术 继承性有效地解决了信息存储 冗余问题, 体现了航海资料 自然层次结构, 与 航海人员 思维定式相吻合。同时, 通过R 树建立了航海资料二维动态索引, 实现了航海 信息快速 查询。 树; 查询; 面向对象技术 R The Obj ect -Oriented Model of t he Navigat ion Informat ion Based on t he R-T ree W ang X iaotong W ang H uanchen Qu X uelin Zhen H ai L i Tianw ei ( Shanghai Jiaotong U niversit ) ( Dalian Naval Academ ) - Abstract This paper presents a model of the navigation information based on the object oriented pr ogramming technolog and R-T ree. The model avoids the redundant problem of the navigation information in the integr ated navigation s stem, r epresents a ver natural w a of thinking and , . reasoning and demonstr ates the simplicit and understandabilit that ar e needed for mariners In , - other respect the paper builds up a tw o dimension d namic index for requiring navigation infor- mation. Key wordsR-tr ee; quer ; object-oriented pr ogramming 1 问题提出 , , , , , , , , : 1998-03-09 * : , 1962 , . , 200052. R 17 , , , , , , [ 1, 2, 3] , [ 4, 5] , 2 航海资料 数据结构 : ( 1) , , , , ( 2) , ( 3) , - - , - A COMPON ET OF IS A, A-KIND-OF : , : 2. 1PO


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