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西安理工大学学报Journal of Xi ’an University of Technology (2011)Vol. 27 No. 4 481 文章编号:1006-47 10 (2011)04-0481-05 复合线性调频信号的模糊函数分析 1 2 1 1 , , , 刘领容 王凌 姚远程 张小乾 (1. , 621010 ;2 . , 621000) 西南科技大学信息工程学院 四川绵阳 中国工程物理研究院 四川绵阳 : , 摘要 为提高单斜率线性调频信号的距离速度联合分辨力 提出了一种正负双斜率的复合线性调 , 。 频信号 推导并分析了该信号的模糊函数 仿真得到了复合线性调频信号以及单斜率线性调频两 、- 3 dB 、 , 种信号的模糊函数图 模糊度图 距离模糊函数图以及速度模糊函数图 对比研究发现复合 线性调频信号相对单斜率线性调频信号具有更好的速度分辨力和距离速度联合分辨力。 : ; ; ; 关键词 复合线性调频信号 线性调频 模糊函数 分辨力 中图分类号:F830. 5 文献标志码:A * . Analysis of Ambiguity Function of Combined Linear Frequency Modulation Signal LIU Lingrong1 ,WANG Ling2 ,YAO Yuancheng1 ,ZHANG Xiaoqian1 (1. Faculty of Information Engineering ,South West University of Science and Technology ,Mianyang Sichuan 621010 ; 2 . Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics ,Mianyang Sichuan 621000) Abstract :In order to improve the joint distance-velocity-resolution of the single slope linear frequency modulation (LFM),a composed linear frequency modulation radar signal composed of chirp up and chirp down slopes is proposed. The ambiguity functions of the composed linear frequency modulation signal and the single slope linear frequency modulation signal are deduced and analyzed. The simulations of the two kinds of signals about the ambiguity function ,- 3 dB ambiguity graph ,distance ambiguity graph and ve- locity ambiguity graph have been presented and compa


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