
2012 灾后重建地区新增血站选址问题研究.pdf

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P.136-141 灾后重建地区新增血站的选址问题研究 1 2 1 王恪铭 ,马祖军 ,郑斌 (1.西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院,四川 成都 610031; 2.西南交通大学经济管理学院,物流与应急管理研究所,四川 成都 610031) 摘要:根据灾后重建地区血液保障体系建设的实际情况,考虑血站间的依附系数对血站布局的 影响,建立了一种p -中值模型用来解决新增血站的选址问题,并设计了一种遗传-禁忌混合算 法对模型进行求解。之后以汶川大地震灾区——四川省阿坝州为例进行了实例分析,得到了不 同p 值与依附系数下的新增血站选址方案,以期为相关部门规划灾后重建地区的血液保障体系 提供理论依据与决策参考。 关键词:灾后重建、设施选址问题、血站、依附系数、遗传-禁忌混合算法 中图分类号: 文献标识码:A 文章编号: Location Problem of New Blood Banks in Post-Disaster Reconstruction Areas 1 2 1 WANG Ke-ming , MA Zu-jun , ZHENG Bin (1. School of Traffic and Transportation, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China; 2. Institute for Logistics and Emergency Management, School of Economics and Management, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China) Abstract: According to the actual situation of blood supply system in post-disaster reconstruction areas and considering the dependent coefficient among blood banks, a p -medium model was developed for the facility location problem of new blood banks. And a hybrid genetic algorithm combining with tabu search is proposed to solve the model. A case study was given based on one of affected areas in Wenchuan earthquake, i.e. Aba prefecture in Sichuan province. The location results with different p value and dependent coefficients are obtained as a reference for related departments to plan the blood support system in post-earthquake reconstruction areas. Key words: post-disaster reconstruction, facility location problem, blood bank, dependent coefficient, hybrid genetic and tabu algrithm 0 引言 输血是治疗某些疾病、抢救伤员生命和保证一些手术得以顺


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