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北京市工资支付规定(国外英语资料) According to: 1. The decision of the peoples Government of Beijing Municipality on Amending Some Provisions of the fifty-nine regulations concerning the safety management of cruise ships in Beijing waters (Decree No. 200th of Beijing Municipal Peoples government, November 23, 2007) 2. Notice on the decision of the Beijing Municipal Peoples government to amend the provisions of the three regulations concerning labor insurance regulations, such as the regulations for the payment of wages in Beijing, etc. ([2008]30, February 18, 2008) The first paragraph of article thirty-fifth in the employer shall pay the full payment of wages of workers, also owed compensation wage of 25% was revised to by the labor security department shall order the employer to pay full wages of workers; fails to pay, to the employer in accordance with the amount payable 50% more than 100% of the standard pay an extra compensation to the worker. Delete the second paragraph of the thirty-fifth paragraph The regulations on the payment of wages in Beijing have been examined and approved by the eighteenth executive meeting of the Municipal Peoples Government on December 16, 2003, and are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of January 22, 2004. Acting mayor Wang Qishan, two, three, December 22nd Catalog Chapter I General Provisions General provisions of the second chapter The third chapter provides special provisions The fourth chapter, guarantee and relief The fifth chapter, legal responsibility The sixth chapter is the supplementary provisions Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 These Provisions are formulated in accordance with the labor law of the Peoples Republic of China and the relevant laws and regulations, and in light of the actual conditions of this Municipality, in order to regulate the payment of wages and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers. Article second these Provisions apply to enterprises within the administrative region of the ci


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