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地址解析和反地址解析(国外英语资料) [Baidu map API] how to address resolution and anti address resolution? - fuzzy addresses can search for accurate geographic information! Abstract: What is address resolution? What is an inverse address resolution? How do I use address resolution and inverse address resolution? Can you use address resolution and inverse address resolution at the same time? The answer is yes. See the last example and code. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address resolution Address resolution is where the user enters a detailed address to the house number. For example, Minzu University of China, 27 South Avenue, Beijing, then the address resolution interface will return a latitude and longitude of Point, Zhongguancun. The interface definition is as follows: GetPoint (address:String, callback:Function, city:String) Parses the specified address. If the address location is successful, the callback function is called with the coordinate point Point at the address. Otherwise, the callback function has a parameter of null. City is the name of the city where the address is located, such as Beijing. Code example: / / create a parser instance. Var myGeo = new, BMap.Geocoder (); The results show that / / address resolution on the map, and adjust the map view MyGeo.getPoint (10 Street in Beijing, Haidian District, function (point) { If (point) { Map.centerAndZoom (point, 16); Map.addOverlay (New BMap.Marker (point)); } }, Beijing; To run this example, click /map/examples.html: v=1.17_12#712 Two, reverse address resolution An inverse address resolution means passing a latitude and longitude Point, which returns a detailed address. How detailed the address is, it depends on the data in the Baidu database. The interface definition is as follows: GetLocation (point:Point, callback:function[, options:LocationOptions]) Performs reverse address resolution on the specified coordinate point. If the parsing succeeds, the callback functio


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