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泛读(国外英语资料) The Sniper (sniper) In July, the long twilight dissolved into the night, and although Berlin was covered with darkness, the faint moonlight scattered the street through the thin clouds. The roar of the machine guns from around the general fall came, the rest of the street from time to time a machine gun and rifle City pierced the silence of the night sky, like a remote farm night barking. Republicans and free nation soldiers are in civil war. A Republican sniper is lying in the vicinity of OConnor bridge on the roof of his sniper rifle and wait on the side, a field telescope hanging on his chest. He was still angry with his pupils, but there was a grim, feverish light in his eyes, deep and thoughtful. This is a pair of eyes that have turned a blind eye to death. At the moment, he was eating a sandwich hungrily. Because he was too excited all day a little carried away, not dripping into him from early to late. As soon as the sandwich was finished, he took out a bottle of whisky from his pocket, and drank a little, and then put it on again. He was quiet for a moment, wondering if he could risk a cigarette addiction. This is dangerous, for the enemy must lie in ambush; the light is easily exposed in the dark. He decided to take a risk. He put his cigarette in his mouth, struck a match, and gave it a tight and rapid air, and immediately put out the fire. Then, a bullet hit him on the parapet of the roof, and he took a bite, put out the cigarette, swore softly, crawled away to the left. He got up carefully, looked out of the wall, the fire flashed, and a bullet whistled past him. He crouched down, and he saw where the fire was coming, just across the street. He rolled over the roof to a chimney stack in the rear, then rose slowly from the roof and parapet, until his eyes the same height. Apart from the silhouette of the roof opposite the night sky, nothing could be seen. The enemy is waiting in secret. Just then an armored car came up from the bridge and came


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