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MAC_OS_X__系统终端的常用命令(国外英文资料) Common commands for MAC OS X system terminals The Unix file system that OSX USES, all files are hung in the root directory/below, and there is no window-panelist concept. The hard drive that you see on the desktop hangs in/out. For example, a mobile hard drive called USBHD, which shows a hard disk icon on the desktop, where is it actually? Execute ls/Volumes/USBHD in the terminal to see if the contents of the disk are displayed. The root directory location is/the core Mach_kernel is here, Drive the location/Systme/Library/Extensions User folder location/User/User name Desktop/User/username/Desktop The file wildcard is the asterisk * Note: in Unix systems, the case is case-sensitive, A.t xt is not a.t. xt. The root directory sign/is not optional, the CD/System indicates to the System under the directory, and the CD System represents the System that is transferred to the current directory -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - How do I get into the command line operation mode In the graphical interface, use finder to open the applications utility If you cant even get a graphic interface (for example, a wrong display driver), start with F8, start with the -s parameter, and then enter the command mount - uw / Get permission In order to prevent the wrong operating system and the user status without the authority operating system important file, the root authority is obtained first Sudo -s Then enter the password, enter the password without any echo, not even the asterisk, just lose the return car. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Basic commands Lists the files Ls parameter directory name E.g. To see whats under the directory, The ls / To see whats in the drive directory, The ls/System/Library/Extensions Parameter - w shows Chinese, -l details, -a includes hidden files Conversion directory CD Example: think of a drive directory for a walk CD/System/Library/Extensions Create a new directory The mkdir directory name Example: build a backup directory backup in


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