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制作主页的五十个秘诀(国外英文资料) A, content, Give the reader a reason to stay. Make the page interesting and interesting. But the first thing is to make it useful. A very simple way to do this is to provide mutual participation - allows the reader to do some things, such as signing up for sending regular communication, and they participate in some way repay them, such as weekly lucky draw or to give the opportunity to download something. 2, is the most valuable site for visitors who are about to make people understand what information you can get, how to obtain, and possibly to correct himself how to make readers think there is wrong place or add his own content. Sign your name and show your honor -- but dont get a long signature here. A little self-promotion is likely to be relevant, especially when you want to make their own web pages with personal characteristics, but this may lead to embarrassment and obstruction of substance. All you have to do is connect to the page about the author, which is the right place for abstention, copyright notice, and similar instructions. Dont include some general Web reference information and a link that is no longer a hot spot for everyone. Connecting to Alta Vista and Yahoo may be enough, otherwise your external connection should be a place that has special meaning and has not been encountered by the reader. 5, if there are in the form of comments or comments on the positive feedback, can consider to include it in the home maybe somewhere in the beginning, or as a link to page of honor. If done properly, you can encourage new visitors and reassure them. On the contrary, if you dont do it right, you will be considered self-braggadocio and the real content will be secondary. Forget most of the habits youve learned to write on paper. Based on the text, and the paper writing task was to elaborate narrative, in providing the process of knowledge, good mood, or to persuade others to keep the readers interest; But the word is not the main component


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